The end

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It's been two years. I'm now married to D20. We have a little girl named Sadie and in pregnant with a boy.

Jonathan and Evan are also married and have adopted a little boy named Alex.

Marcel and Sarah worked everything out and they are doing pretty good. Marcel is also now moving to Britain.

Misty and Brock had twins named Finn and Jessa. There having a wedding in a couple of months and Misty is stressing so much.

Tyler got with Claire and they are living in Washington with her parents.

Lui and Nogla have moved in together and are still being as derpy as ever.

Droidd married a girl name Maria and they are living in California. They have a beautiful daughter named Katrina.

Speedy moved in with G18 and they are together. They have been together for 10 months and there adorable.

Side and Shadow have adopted a little girl named Shania. They are living right next door of us!

Hova went back to college and got a degree in a game designer.

Nobody married a beautiful girl named Megan. They are moving back to Michigan in the summer.

Deluxe lives with us and is amazing with Sadie.

We all are living a happy life. And no matter what we are one big family.

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