Chapter 1

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I don't remember how I got here. My mind is a blank slate. All I can remember is the loud sound of an explosion, a blue sky, and fireworks. I know I am in the Capitol. I know why I am in the Capitol. I know who I am. I repeat everything I know, so I don't lose myself. I can't lose myself, because losing myself would mean that Prim and my mother would, too, and they've lost too much already.
I don't know what they'll do to me, here in the Capitol. I hope Peeta managed to slip out of the Capitol's grasp, Beetee and Finnick, too, even Johanna. Nobody should ever feel like this. Hopeless, awaiting torture. I hope the Capitol will just kill us. It would be better that way. I'm probably more useful to the revolution dead, anyway, but I know that's not going to happen. The Capitol hates me too much already to let me go so peacefully. Katniss, the girl on fire, has started a wildfire among the districts.
I'm clasped to a white bed, and my arms are held down my metal, as well as my legs. I've tried to wriggle my limbs free, but they are too tight and strong.
I sigh, Katniss, the girl on fire, is finally burning out.
I'm woken by a man in a white lab suit. He unclasps me harshly, and I flex my wrist and ankles, finally free. I urgently feel I should escape. Bolt out the door, outside, and run all the way back to 12. Somehow, though, I know that's going to end up terribly.
"Katniss Everdeen, follow me please," says the man. "Aren't you going to chain me or something?" I ask. "I think your smarter than to run away," the man replies in a threatening voice. "Hm."
He leads me to a prison-looking place. I see Johanna in a locked up in a cell. She glances at me as we pass by. It's not pitying or sympathetic. It's demanding, and still somehow encouraging. I lift my chin up a little and straighten my back. Johanna's lips twitch. No matter what the Capitol does, I refuse to be defeated. I will go out fighting.
The man takes me to the cell, and I see a screen. Confusion ripples through me. What are they going to with a TV?

I'm taken care of finely. I'm not tortured or killed. I'm living in luxury.
A man arrives, the same one who brought me here, I realize.
I'm escorted to my prep team. Octavia, Venia, and Flavius. My prep team?
They chatter away as usual, and dress me beautifully, and doing my makeup isn't difficult, I'm already in a fine condition. For a moment, I even begin to wait for Cinna. Until I remember the moments before I was sent to the Quarter Quell. Cinna has probably been tortured and killed.
My prep team escorts me to where I had my interview with Caesar Flickerman, who waits there now. I'm instructed to defy the uprisings in the districts and given a couple lines before I am sent on stage.
"Hello, Katniss," says Caesar. "I'm going to ask you a few questions, okay?" He asks it as if I have a choice. I nod. "What do you think about the uprisings in the districts?" To this, I am supposed to say the idea of defeating the Capitol is outlandish, stupid, and foolish. Instead I say, "Uprisings?" as innocently as I can muster. "I'm sure you've heard of them," Caesar insists. "Oh," I gasp. "Those uprisings. I say it's great." His eyes widen in shock. I feel anger bubbling up in my chest. I spring up from my seat, "How would you like it if your children were stripped away from you each year, just so they can murder each other for someone's entertainment?" I hiss. "How?" I scream. "Tell me!" I scream.
Two people drag me away from the stage. "How would you like it to be slaves to arrogant people who always want more?! More, more, more!"
I fight the two people and scream horrible things at the stage. I assume the camera has already been shut off.
I just hope my message was received, because I know my arrival to the cell won't be welcoming.
The care I formerly received has been stripped away from me. I only receive a stale meal delivered by and Avox once a day. Sometimes, not even that.
I wonder if this is all the Capitol intends to put me through. I know how it is too be hungry, but I also know how to deal with it.
Then, it starts. I hear a splash in the cell next to me and a furious Johanna. Are they dumping her into pool? Did Snow think dunking Johanna in water was going to mess her up? But then, I hear a zap-like sound. Zap. A scream rises up from Johanna's cell, and it clicks. They're shocking her. They're soaking her in water and shocking her afterwards.
It goes on and on. It's torture even to me. I feel like it'll never stop. It'll continue, again, and again, and again. But Johanna's pained shrieks die out after what feels like forever, and it dies down to whimpers.
When Johanna's whimpering stops, two people in identical pristine, white lab coats enter my cell, crushing any hope of mercy. The woman turns the TV on and plays a clip of me and Peeta in the arena, during the 74th hunger games. In the cave, the day I told Peeta the story about the goat.
Im threatened to watch it, even though I never intended to escape. A clip of Peeta and I cannot hurt me. When the tape ends, the man prepares a needle with a strange fluid inside. I can smell it, it smells like honey. I realize what it is.
Tracker Jacker venom.
The man hands the needle to the woman. She pulls a mask on and grasps my arm tightly. I try to squirm out, but that fail, so I fight against her, kicking, flailing, screaming until the man finally has to help the woman contain me.
She injects the needle into my arm. I shriek in agony. The woman injects me with a second needle. The world around me dims and I black out.

Burn: A Hunger Games SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now