Chapter 7

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"You're alive!" I blurt. My relief melds into fury quickly. "You're accusing me of being brainwashed?" I snap. "Not brainwashed, exactly. It's a rarely used method called hijacking," Beetee says. "And?" I ask. "I can't tell you the specifics, the Capitol is very secretive when it comes to this technique. It involves using tracker jacker venom, hence the hijack. Katniss, you were stung in the 74th Hunger Games, can you tell me what it was like?" Beetee asks.
Illusions appearing before me. Horror. Terrifying visions of the death of the ones I care about.
"I couldn't tell what was true and what was false," I reply. "It becomes more difficult to recall anything because memories can be altered. They come to mind, are changed, and go back in their altered forms," Beetee explains. "Now, I ask you to recall something, either by showing you a tape or by..."
My eyes widen in panic, "No!" I shout. Beetee stops. "No, no, no! No, not again!" I scream. My mother's face scrunches in worry and Prim hugs me again. I bury my head in her hair.
"We'll ask Johanna what she heard," I hear Beetee whisper. I hear footsteps fading away, and I know it's Beetee leaving, probably to go see Johanna.
My mother sighs, "Katniss, we have to go." Prim let's me go and looks me in the eyes, "Try remembering, Katniss. Peeta isn't a monster." I can't be mad at Prim. Only frustrated.
They walk off and I wonder what my life would be like if I'd been like them. Maybe I could have been as pure as Prim. Instead, I have countless deaths weighing me down. Rue, who I could not save, Cato, who I left to the mutts, Glimmer and the girl from 4, who I unleashed tracker jackers on, and all those people who have died during the revolution, which I ignited.
Rue and Prim, so innocent, yet one dead and the other carrying far too much responsibility and I feel so responsible for-
"Knock, knock," somebody says from outside. "Finnick?" I say as he steps in. "Katniss, great to you again!" Finnick chimes. "They managed you, Johanna, and Annie? That's impressive," he remarks. "Annie?" I inquire. "They got Annie?" Finnick's face darkens, "Yep. Hardly scathed, though. Lucky, huh?" Finnick says, peering at me. "Very," I agree. "How are you doing, Finnick?" I ask. "Fair," Finnick replies. I scan him. I'd say less than fair. His eyes have dark circles underneath, he's ghastly pale, and he's underweight, looking like he's barely gone back to eating again.
Probably because of Annie, I'd say.
"You?" Finnick questions. I shrug. "I came to give you this," Finnick tells me, holding out a worn piece of rope. "What's it for?" I ask skeptically. "Tying knots," Finnick answers plainly. I stare at him, "Thanks." "Pleasure," he replies, and with that, swishes out of the room.
At least he didn't mention Peeta.
By the end of the day, my fingers are sore from the knots I've tied, and despite the pain, I send a silent thanks to Finnick for the length of rope.
I sigh and lean my head back, still making knots. Questions rush through my head. Am I really hijacked? Is hijacking reversible? Can I prove I'm not hijacked? Why did District 13 abandon us during the first revolution? Is Snow hunting me down? Will we return to 12?
I'm confused and angry and hurt. I think of going to see Johanna, but I doubt she's in much better condition than I am, and I don't want anymore memories of the Capitol as it is.
I'm exhausted but don't want to sleep. I know I'll be plagued by nightmares. My eyelids are heavy and the room is so peaceful and quiet, I wish I could fall asleep to it.
I finally stop resisting and let my eyes close. I vaguely hear something but decide to ignore it. Suddenly, somebody is stroking my hair and holds my cheek in their hand. "Prim." I think. Only Prim would come in this late to see me, Prim, even after having been busy with hospital duties.
I drift off to the gentle stroking of my hair and the warm hand pressed against my cheek.

Burn: A Hunger Games SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now