"Illuminated" -By: A.Lee

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The world right of me is dark.

The world left of me is darker.

The world in front of me is bright.

How can this be...? The only light in my vision is a light I can never reach.

Realizing it, and the cool whisper of air, sends thrilling shivers down my spine. The reaction is tingling across my body, right to left, causing my skin to rise a bit.

The crash of liquid power against the starboard, against the only protection I've against its chilling fury, breaks a spell I'm under from the light.

The light... The fluorescent gleam of white gold trimmers along the horizon of my sight. Then, it hides. I blink away momentary confusion and offer my entrancement to the force of nature. The darkness once more takes over - only to be filtered by the glittering silver shimmer for a longer while.

The spell is cast again.

The light... The fluorescent gleam of white gold trimmers along the horizon of my sight; my mind is is muddled by it. I can't pull myself away from the beams of light.

The world right of me is dark.

The world left of me is darker.

The world in front of me is bright.

And I, who can never see so clearly, realize I have been seeing with the wrong eyes.

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