I met Sarah in the bathroom

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Alright uh, let me tell this story
So I met this girl at a party
Really cute girl, uh she had
You know the clips from Walmart
That you put in your hair?
The colorful ones? Yeah she had that
Uh, gorgeous makeup and pretty clothes
She was like a insta-baddie
She was like one of those girls.

The day of the party was now here. I just came home from school and my friend Hannah have been bugging me about going to some party. Since I'm not the one to socialise it required a ton of persuasion.

*Hannah calling*

"Hi girly! Are you getting ready?" She said
"Well yeah, but what do I even wear??"
"Just put on something like a pair of jeans and a cute top"
"Yeah I guess, should I wear any makeup?"
"Just go as you usually would! Don't overthink this"
"Fine.. are you coming to pick me up by nine?"
"Yes, but now I have to go so that I have time to get ready bye!"
"Yea bye"

Well she wasn't too much of help. Oh well. I walk to my closet and pick out a pair of black oversized jeans and a brown kinda corset top, and to not freeze to death I put on a black and white oversized button up shirt.

I hear a car come by my apartment and go out to get in Hannah's car.
"Hi Layla"
"Hii" I say to her. I notice that someone is in the backseat. "This is Sarah, she is my parents friends daughter." Hannah says. I look again and sees her. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, she is wearing a black dress that fits perfectly around her waist, she's wearing a pair of black kind of see through tights. Over that she is wearing a cropped white knitted cardigan. It's kind of hard to see all of her but I'm pretty sure she has brown-blackich hair and dark eyes. I was pulled back to reality when she started to squirm around in her seat and I realise that I might have stared for too long. Since I didn't want to make her more uncomfortable I just reached out my hand to shake hers and she nicely reached hers out.

"Uh um. Hi, my name is Layla" I finally say.
"Hello Layla my name is Sarah"
I feel a smile creep up on my face at how she said my name. I'm glad that it was kind of dark in the car so that she couldn't see how red my cheeks got.
I don't know why I feel like this, I only just met this girl. I have known that I like girls for a long time now but I have never been in a relationship with a girl, just had hookups and one night stands.

As we arrive at the party I see many teenagers that are already drunk. We walk out from the parked car and I quickly open Sarah's door, I gained a smile from her. She has the prettiest smile too.
"Thank you" she half whispered. "No problem" I said.

As we start walking towards the building I see that the house is very big, like VERY big. Someone who has rich parents obviously lives here, I still don't know whose party it is but I guess Hannah doesn't know either since she hasn't told me. When we get into the  house I feel the smell of alcohol, and some drunken teenager almost run into me. I look in Hannah's direction only to see that she is no longer there and either is Sarah. I sigh and start looking around. I shortly find the kitchen and start pouring up some liquor in my glass. It smells horrible but I down it fast and pour up another one. Alcohol isn't something new to me. I have drank with friends before and sneaked in at different clubs and festivals. So I don't get easily drunk. After filling my glass up with another liquid, that surprisingly didn't taste too bad, I start walking around to see if there is someone that I know anywhere.

I don't even know how long we have been here or how many drinks I have had but the alcohol for sure starts kicking in. After saying goodbye to a few of my old friends I decide to go and find Sarah, since Hannah probably is with some guy I'm not even going to try finding her. Finally I find Sarah standing in a corner talking with some girl and I decide to walk up to her. I already feel kind of nervous but I brush that feeling off by chugging the last of my drink.

I met Sarah in the bathroomWhere stories live. Discover now