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           Proma still couldn't believe that they were in BTS' makeup room, sitting on the same couches where they had sat some times before. But she couldn't get fully fascinated about that because Megha had not regained consciousness yet. Hopefully she would soon. She didn't even want to imagine what would have happened if Jimin had not been there and helped them. The loud cheer of the live tv got her attention from her musing. BTS was currently performing the last part of their opening act. She was happy to meet meet Jimin, sitting and breathing the same air as them, but a part of her was sad that she couldn't watch her favorite's performance from the audience when she was this close. Suddenly she felt Megha fidgeting on her lap. 

  Slowly Megha opened her eyes, only to encounter with bright light and some designed false ceiling. Then her eyes came to focus on Proma's worried face and she remembered that they came to the Music Festival and she had an asthma attack suddenly. But after that, everything was blurred and she couldn't remember anything except that someone came. She tried to get up hastily but felt dizzy. She immediately held her head. 

"Don't get up, you fool! Lay down." Proma scolded.

 Megha shook her head, still clutching her head. "I'm okay now."

"Yeah, I can see that." The other rebuked.

"Where are we?" She asked while surveying the room and seeing some unknown foreigners staring back at her. Seeing lots of mirror, chairs, make-up kits and hair styling tools, she assumed that it was a make-up room..? She was going to ask Proma again, when one of the foreigners brought her a water bottle. She gratefully took it from her, giving her an awkward smile and mumbled a 'thank you'. That foreigner smiled at her genuinely. 

Megha took a sip of the water when she heard Proma saying "We're at BTS' make-up room" and she choked. Proma patted her best friend's back. After calming down, Megha looked at Proma in disbelief, but her expression was dead serious. Proma gestured to look behind and Megha did. It was the live tv which showed the audience cheering to the BTS' VCR playing on the LED screen. Suddenly, the door opened and a bunch of people came in; BTS also entered. J-Hope was the first one to enter while unbuttoning his shirt but stopped in the middle to see two unknown women in their make-up room. RM came in second and he also stopped in the middle. Then came Jimin.

"Oh, you woke up. Are you okay now?" He asked, last part was in English.

Megha stopped functioning to see them like that, but came to her senses when she felt a pinch from Proma. "Y-yeah. I-I'm fine now. T-thank you."

"What is happening here? Do you know them?" RM asked to Jimin. 

Jungkook came in already taking his shirt off, but immediately wore it after seeing the unknown ladies. The camerapersons also came in, but stopped their recording after seeing the situation. At that time Suga also entered while wiping his sweat in a white towel but stopped immediately when he had a strange feeling. He scanned the whole room and his gaze fell on one figure.       

Jimin explained the whole situation to his members. Then J-hope asked worriedly, "Are you really fine? You don't look so."

"Y-yes. I am fine. Just a little tired and shocked, I guess." Megha answered.

"You have Asthma, right? So shouldn't you take good care of yourself and carry your medications before coming here?" This time RM chided in his fluent English.  

Megha's cheek flushed red, hearing her bias's scolding, though she protested.

"No, that's not right. I mean, yes. I mean.." Due to nervousness, she was stuttering. Her head still didn't catch the fact that she was standing right in front of BTS and talking to her bias RM aka Kim Namjoon. She gulped down her nervousness before talking again. 

"I've recently been diagnosed with Intermittent Asthma just two weeks ago, which is basically the first type of Asthma and super mild with symptoms. It can be cured with proper medications, but I haven't got used to my medicines yet and forgot them in hotel. Though it didn't get this serious before. I think the journey and excitement kicked it to worse." She concluded. RM nodded and quickly translated to his members. Others also nodded, except one. 

"If you need more rest, you can stay here for awhile." J-Hope said after getting a nod from the members. 

"Oh no, no. I don't need anymore rest. I am good now. Furthermore, this is your make-up room and you need to change for your next performance as soon as possible. You're already getting late because of me. Furthermore, we don't want to miss the chance of watching your performance from the audience and be a part of the purple ocean for anything else. Now, do we Proma?"

Megha looked at Proma, but the other didn't reply immediately. Because, she was in her own world. At first, she was listening and enjoying her friend's embarrassed blushing face until she felt an intense gaze upon her. She looked at the direction to find the source and encountered with a pair of fierce eyes. She immediately felt the spark. The connection which she always thought as a mere coincidence since she entered the ARMY fandom; whenever she was upset, stressed or heartbroken, her heart remembered him. And this person always posted something online magically that very damn moment. Every freaking time. It felt like, he already knew that he was needed in her life at that moment. Proma had always wanted to ask him about it if she ever met him. But finally when it came to reality, she didn't know what to do. Here she was in the same room with him, looking at each other's eyes intensely and desperately. After a long moment of staring, she avoided her gaze and started fidgeting, wanting to get out of this room as soon as possible.  

 So when Megha asked Proma, she took a second to understand what she was saying and replied, "No. We'll leave".  

BTS nodded in understanding. Both Megha and Proma again thanked and bowed to the guys and staffs sincerely before getting out of the room. Proma however, felt her heart might come out of her ribcage due to the high rate of beating when she passed by Min Yoongi. 

The moment the ladies stepped out of the room, Yoongi muttered under his breath unknowingly. 

"She's the one."  

"What?" Jin, who was just behind Yoongi and listened him muttering, asked.

"Nothing." The second oldest replied when Taehyung came into running.

"What? You guys aren't ready yet?" He asked, already changed in his next outfit.

"Yeah, we're going to." A short reply came from Yoongi before he went to change. Taehyung looked at his Suga hyung confused before walking to his soulmate Jimin.

"What happened here?" He whispered while taking a seat beside him for his own touch-up.

"Two women were here before you came. One was very sick and collapsed. I helped her and they stayed here for  short." Jimin shortly replied.


"Shh! I'll tell the details later. By the way, where were you?" Jimin asked curiously while buttoning his shirt. 

"I went to the staff washroom and changed there." Taehyung replied. 

Jimin nodded and they concentrated to get ready quickly.

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