General Fiction Batch A

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The General Fiction genre Batch A Results.

Congratulations to the winners!


King Killer by wanderedwriter

Title/ cover - 9/10 points

Blurb/Prologue - 9/10 points

Language/ Grammar -14/ 15 points

Plot -14/15 points

Character development - 8/10 points

Writing style - 9/10 points

Originality/Creativity - 8/10 points

Overall enjoyment - 9/10


For one, I think there are rare gems wattpad really needs to project, and this masterpiece is one of them, after mine that is

The title was quite the catch, and cover...the demonstration with the chess board, the pawns and the king and all, quite fascinating and on point.

Your blurb...Wow! It drew me in, and then I got in, met the prologue... First chapter and I was like...I'm definitely reading this.

Then I got into the next chapter, and I'm like glued, reading, scrolling, anticipation kept budding, I was hooked! I read something fresh! There was a little guesses here and there, cause you know, I've got a keen eye on these stuff. But your plot was one unique one.

Your characters are unique, each with his or her flaws, learning, getting better, adjusting... It was so real. I really enjoyed all of them, and Valentine, damn she's a freaking cuuween! I love her determination, her bravery, her acuteness, her resilience, her badassy, sassy, sexy attitude.

Then there's Mi Anto✨ The Alpha male, the perfect one with flaws, the ability to learn, get hurt, think and retrace his steps, and of course a dark past.

There's Algustin, Alejandro, Nico and wonderful Marie, oh let's not forget Elena, Sofia, Gabriel, Mateo and Ramon...Yup, I finished the whole book, the temptation was just too much.

So i use the pro review pattern, which means, I highlight the good sides and the faults come after. But, I loved your book, your writing style lit. The book was quite authentic, and really creative.

And...I did love your sex scenes. It was ...Ooh my gawd! Not overdone. You kept it real and adequate.

So asides few grammatical errors here and there, nothing a good editing can't change, your book is almost perfect.

Nice work!

First place

Zodiac Legends: The Green Dragon - Madame_LaBelle

Title/ cover - 8/10 points

Blurb/Prologue - 5/10 points

Language/ Grammar - 14/15 points

Plot - 12/15

Character development - 9/10

Writing style - 8/10

Originality/Creativity - 9/10

Overall enjoyment - 7/10


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