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The moment I spoke those words, several other men came through my apartment door and began to strip everything in it. I could only sit there and watch how they nit-picked everything I owned while asking the man with stone-cold eyes to approve what I could take with me and what I could not. I didn't necessarily regret killing the man, though my conscience repeatedly reminded me that he, too, had loved ones, and my hands will be stained with his blood for the rest of my life.

The man moved closer to me. The smell of a very expensive cologne smothered my senses, handing me a piece of thick paper with the words

"This is the contract that you are going to sign to bind yourself to me."

Everything was happening so fast that all I read before signing was the title, Manetto Family Commitment.

"You're going to regret that later." He mumbled under his breath.


"Mr. Manetto, What about these? "said one of the men in a monotone voice. His suit matched everyone else's, all black besides the red tie. His face was slim, unlike the rest of them, which made me think that maybe he was new too. But his lips slightly curved up at the end of his question, compelling me to look inside the box he was holding. My face began to burn like a fresh sunburn.

"Oh, she will be needing those." Manetto's voice was laced with amusement.

Sitting in the box was my collection of sex toys and outfits that I have been collecting over the years. I quickly snatched the box from the guy's hands and closed it. Laughter filled the room, and embarrassment gnawed at my gut.

"Assholes." I groaned out.

Suddenly, a low meow came from beside my chair, and joy washed away the fear. My six-month-old kitten, Felix, curiously looked at the new faces and rubbed against my legs for attention. Scooping up the small kitten, my worries faded away, temporarily feeling his purrs vibrate my chest. I looked over to Mr. Manetto to beg him to allow me to take Felix, but once our eyes locked, I could sense his mood change. His eyes had a look of vulnerability as if I looked a little deeper I could find all his secrets. He seemed to notice that and quickly changed his demeanor.

"Yes, you can bring him," Manetto said before I could ask, refusing to look in my direction until it was time to leave. Bag her. "

I opened my mouth to question what that meant, but fabric quickly covered my eyes, and my cat was lifted out of my arms and replaced with leather bindings around my wrist.

"Is this necessary?" I uttered it monotonously.

"It's a safety procedure, little bird." Mr. Manetto said softly in my ear as he led me inside his car.

The new nickname strangely comforted me. After a few minutes in the car, my brain was filled with questions that I was dying to ask.

"So what is your full name?" I broke the silence with a soft voice.

"My name is Roman Manetto, and since you didn't read the contract, I'll go over some rules." He let out a rough cough, and the stench of a newly lit cigar invaded my senses, making me scrunch up my nose. "First of all, you betray my trust and loyalty. I will not hesitate to put a bullet in you. Second, you will not be allowed to leave my sanctuary until your six-month training is complete. Thrid-"

"What did you just say? You're going to lock me away for six months? For Training?" Part of me knew not to be surprised, but I could barely stay at home on the weekends. How am I going to do it for six months?

"Third, no intruppting me. Do it again and you'll regret it. " He warned, "And lastly, do as I say and do not ever question me."

His rules made me roll my eyes and huff. His ego was suffocating, but the memory of how he looked at me earlier reminded me that maybe there's more than what meets the eye.


After what seemed like an eternity, when it was only a drive that took the whole night, the car finally came to a stop. My hands pulled out of the car and the fresh summer air relieved my lungs from the cigar smoke. Heavy footsteps followed me as I was guided towards an entrance. As the eye cover was removed, my eyes burned to try to adjust to the bright sun.

The building that stood in front of me made my mouth fall open in amazement. The house was bigger than any house I had ever seen. It was two-story and stretched longer than a football field. It was built out of marbled brick and dark oak contrast. Pine and oak trees surrounded the property. My awe of the house was soon disturbed when I was pushed through the front double doors. There were women, wearing servant uniforms, lined up on the left side of the entrance hallway with their heads down. Men with black suits and guns strapped to them, with their heads held high, lined up against the other side of the hallway.

Roman stopped in front of me and cleared his throat for a speech. "As you all know, John was killed the other night. I have compensated his family to the best of my abilities, and I would appreciate it if everyone did the same. Now on to other matters, " He stepped aside to reveal to me, "This woman here was the one that did it. She is repaying her crimes by taking his place, making her the first woman on the Council. " Many people, mostly men, became visibly angry at his words. And if anyone has a problem with that, you can come personally to talk to me.

He then reached down to grab my wrist and pull me through the long hallway and up the stairs. Women were giving me nasty side eyes while men were giving me creepy looks. The realization that my life is now in the palm of this man's hands and I'm nothing but a puppet on a string hit me like a truck.


Two hours have passed since Roman showed me my room, which was surprisingly right across from his. It was small, with only a queen-size bed, a desk, and one window. The walls were a soft grey, matching the new bedsheets, and the floor was dark oak wood. My closet was filled with new clothes, from dresses to what seemed like what the men were wearing but sexier, and under them was my personal chest covered in sticky notes that had gross comments written on them. I groaned, having left my lips knowing that these people were going to harass me every chance they got.

Thankfully, Felix was accommodating nicely as he was fast asleep on the window seal. The view from my window was of the backyard, and it was decorated beautifully. Hybrid flowers were thoughtfully planted by their colors. White marble statues with moss growing in between the cracks were in the middle, as was a fountain.

I turned towards the door as it suddenly began to open. A middle-aged woman came with a purple apron on.

"Mr. Manetto requested your presence for dinner and told me to dress you. My name is Katherine. You can call me Kat. " She said while bowing her head. The new mannerism left me unsure of what to say. All I did was nod my head.

Kat proceeded to take out a deep green dress from my closet and drew me a bath. Once I submerged myself in the warm water, my emotions finally toppled over and I began to sob.


Thank you for reading the new chapter of Trapped In Silk! I would appreciate it if you could vote, comment, and follow! <3 - Lizi

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