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Cold hearted Romeo 

...Welcome to Seoul Korea...

"So this is where everyone is moving to?" I say, looking outside the window.

"Yeah, there are way better options here, more jobs, worthy people, good schools," Mom says, smiling.

She is always like this... smiling without a care in the world. I mean, she does care, but she acts weird. It creeps me out sometimes. To be honest, everyone has been like this for as long as I can remember...

"Lock the door, open it when I knock and let me in." She says as she walks out of the car, shutting the door.

I locked the doors and sat there confused...

"Why did she leave me in the car when I have an umbrella?" I shrug my shoulders.

I started to play (Trevor Something-girlfriend).

I take my lighter out and start to flick it while I lay my head back on the seat. Slowly, I close my eyes to finally get some sleep. I haven't been able to sleep lately...

Then I heard a knock on the window, and I opened the door.

"You were sure quick, huh?" I say with my eyes still closed...

No answer...

"Mmmm you good mom?" Still no answer.

This time I open my eyes and turn to my left, but a hand goes over my eyes.

Then silent.

I don't even hear the rain's pitter-patter anymore only the sound of the person breathing .

As I was about to speak, the person spoke first.

"Don't scream, I care less about you to hurt you." The person who clearly wasn't my mom says with a out of breath voice.

" I'm guessing you're a bad guy? And I am guessing you want this car? " I say to the stranger.

" Ehh you're close... to be honest, I'm just cold and kind of want some food... you got any money, kid? " He says, well I'm guessing it's a guy.

"And if I didn't? What would you do? " No response... I reach into my pocket and hand him something, and I feel him take his hand away from my eyes.

"Nothing kid... You're good, I'm not like them weirdosss." He says leaning back in the seat, dragging the last word.

( ICP- in my room) starts to play.

" You have a weird taste in music, kid."

"My name is not kid..sirr," I say annoyed to annoy him.

" We're around the same age, so I don't need the formality from you," He says, turning his face to me...

Why is he wearing a black ski mask, plus it has an upside down smile.

"You're wondering about this?"
He points at his mask as if he knew what I was thinking about.

I shake my head, lying. He then shrugs and turns away from me.

"Eh you are the first to not care," He states, as he turns more to the window.

Then silence between us, just the music playing.

I change the song, it was kind of awkward. We stay like this for a good five minutes.

(Lana Del Rey- Dealer) ( it's up top if you want to listen ) starts to play.

I turn to him and look at him. He looks young. Well, his body shape. He's built like a skinny teenage boy. He looks pretty tall...

" Don't tell me you fell for me?"

" You're probably one of the cheeky high school girls, that dreams about falling in love at first sight, huh? " He says this while folding his arms, still in the same position, leaning back in the seat.

"Naw, but I'm wondering why the fuck you are still in this car," I say.

"I'm waiting for someone, and I'm not standing outside for them, so I'm waiting here."

"I don't care as long as you leave sooner or later." I grab my phone to check Instagram.

I start scrolling around into I see a picture of him and his new gf going on a date.

I take a heavy breath and turn off my phone.

"A guy you like?" I hear him say .

"You're sure nosy but hmm no... my ex" I turned towards him to look at him, but he was already looking at me.

"Why do you keep staring at me ?" I state.

" Because you are kind of ugly..." he says, reaching over to pat my head.

I just stared at him in disbelief. Then he turns and opens the car door and starts to get out.

" I'm joking.. you're... "

Boom, a metal door slams.

"Hmm, very appealing," he says and slams the door, jagging off.

"Wait, what did you say?" I say, staring at the door that was just shut, confused.

I reach out into my packet for...

"Where's my lighter?" I start looking around.

" Well fuck it, that weirdo probably took it" I lead over to lock the door...

"Heyy, I'm back, open up." I look up and see my mom at the car window, knocking. "Oh you are back ?"


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