17 2 4

The rain had stopped about fifteen minutes ago. As we followed the GPS directions, we turned the corner to drive to our new home.

That was down the street. In the distance, we could see flashing lights, and firetrucks sirens could be heard.

I looked at Mom, I could see she was very confused to what was going on. We drive up to the house that was golfed in flames.

The thing that shocked us was that the GPS said we have made it to our destination. Our destination... was the home that was in flames.

I heard the driver's door close. I see my Mom walk around the car towards the home. I followed after her. She was stopped midway by a police officer.

"Ma'am, you can't go in, is this your home?" The officer asks her. She doesn't answer but continues to stare as the flames slowly being put out. I speak up for her.

"Yes officer this is our home, we were just moving in today," I say to the officer while looking at my mom.

"Well, I have good and bad news. Bad news you won't be able to stay in that house tonight." The officer says with a face of guilt, that he has to be the one to say this.

"Yeah I can tell..." I say back in a whisper.

"The good news is that your stuff didn't get delivered, so there's nothing inside. " He says trying to give us a little hope...

My Mom bows to the office saying thank you, she turns to me and tells me to sit in the car. I do as she says, I see that she pulled her phone out to call someone.

She walks off talking on the phone and leans on the street light continuing the conversation.

After a couple of minutes, she comes back to the car a little bit joyful. She starts her GPS up again. It looked like we were going back to the same destination we came from.

"So basically I talked to the lady that we are renting from ,Mrs.Jeon. She said that she was about to call me and tell me about the house. So she knows that the fire had nothing to do with us. And that she is willing to let us stay in one of her apartments that she owns. Since we don't have any other place to go." She starts to explain to me what's going on.

We made it back to the place in no time. My mom pulled up in a parking spot. We both get out and head toward the building.

I haven't realized how tall the building was earlier. Going up the building was three staircases and connecting balconies. That leads to each apartment's front door.

"Mrs.Jeon? You here?"I hear my mom call from inside while the door shuts.

I grab the door and walk inside. Inside was pretty big, all there was in the office was a front desk and a table next to it that had newspapers and snacks stacked on it.

"Mrs. Thorne is that you?" We hear a voice coming from the back room. My Mom isn't quick to answer, she doesn't like using my dad's last name. They're still married so she has to get used to it I guess.

An older lady walks out from the back. And there was someone with her. Looked like a guy packing things up in the back.

"Hello again Mrs.Jeon, this is Marianne my daughter I mentioned, she was too lazy to get out of the car earlier." She says smiling.

That was totally a lie, I just stand there looking at her with a judgment look.

"Ohhh hello, Marianne, you are so pretty!! Are you perhaps single... because I have a grandson!" She says winking at me.

We hear someone shout from the back. The guy comes out with a dumbfounded face looking at Mrs.Jeon.

"Okay I'm just messing around...don't get your boxer's all in a bunch boy." She says waving at the boy behind her.

He goes back to what he is doing. He comes back up to the front standing next to her with a bin in his arms.

"Mrs. Thorne... And the other Ms.Thorne, if you don't mind following him he will show you where your apartment is." She states while pushing her grandson I guess, out to us to show us the way.

She sits a pair of keys on top of a bin he was carrying. That was full of what looked like bed sheets.

"Follow me please." He starts to walk towards a hallway and turned to go up a flight of stairs.

"The apartment is on the second story." He says reassuring us how far we have to go up.

We made it to the second floor, it didn't really take that long to make it up there. We walked on the balcony halls.

A lot of apartments had stuff sitting out. A couple of apartments had bikes sitting out, some had shoes out on a welcome home mat.

"This is you guys...208." He says opening the apartment. And sitting the bin down inside the doorway.

"And the bed sheets and pillows in the bin are for you." He said turning around and handing my Mom the keys.

"You didn't tell us your name." My Mom says to him.

"My bad I apologize, my name is Jeon Jeong-guk, but call me Jungkook. He says bowing to my mom.

"Oh, so you're her grandson?" I say to him guessing that I was right. He didn't acknowledge what I said. And with that, he started to walk away.

"Have a nice night Jungkook". My mom says bowing. He continues to walk forward and just nods his head.

My Mom eyed me, I just shrugged my shoulders.
We walk inside and shut the door. The apartment wasn't bad looking, it had a front room, two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a pretty decent kitchen.

I carried the bin to the bedroom my Mom was in. "So we're going to share a room tonight? Because I don't really feel like sleeping in a room by myself." I say while pulling out the stuff in the bin.

"Yeah, I am fine with that." She says turning around looking sad. I nod to her and started placing the bed sheets down. "Mom are you good ?"

"I'm alright just tired, ... I'm go to the restroom. Get some rest before me." She says walking out towards the restroom.

I took my jeans off and my jacket so I can at least feel comfortable sleeping on the floor. Laying on the floor is not that bad since this floor was carpeted.

I grabbed my phone out of my jacket. I didn't see that anyone texted me so I just put it on "do not disturb" so that if they do I could sleep. I set an alarm to get up in the morning.

I put my phone next to me on the floor. I closed my eye starting to slowly fall asleep into I heard my mom sip into bed.

I could tell this situation was bothering her by the way she huffed. But knowing her she won't say anything. She doesn't like dumping her problems. And so tonight I heard her cry for the first time in three year's.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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