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??? POV:

I slam the car door shut and start to jog from the parking lot to the building. I almost forget to take my mask off.

I start to walk up to the door, a lady holds the door open for me as she walks out of the building.

I bow quickly and tell her thank you, she nods and starts to walk to the parking lot.

I start to wipe my shoes on the welcome mat to dry them off. I look up to the counter but there's no one behind it.

"Mrs. Jeon?" I say looking around ringing the service bell.

"I'm here, give me a minute please!" I hear her shout from a back room. I nod as if she can see me.

I lend on the counter waiting for her. I pull out the cash that "kid" gave me and slide it into a tip jar that says " Help my grandson with his banana milk addiction". I laugh a little reading it, it always gets me.

"So what can I help you with ?" She says walking from behind a curtain. " OH hello Taehyung, how are you?" She states smiling at me. I simile back slightly.

"I'm okay... but I would be better if I didn't lock myself out of my apartment ... again," I say shyly.

"Awe alright I will be up there to unlock it for you Taehyung... but you have to stop leaving your keys, before one day I'm off and you can't get in your room". she says sighing. I nod and was about to head to my room.

" One last thing Taehyung... you also have to stop wearing that mask of yours, someone might be thinking you're a criminal, you understand I don't want you in trouble, ...that you didn't cause." She says pointing at my hoodie pocket, I look down and see my mask pointing out.

" Yes, Mrs. Jeon I understand," I say now walking away. I don't like how she states the last part.

"Give me five minutes I will be up there!!" She shouts.

Marianne POV:

I look over at my mom who is now driving to our new place. I was thinking about telling her what just transpired not even twelve minutes ago.

Knowing her, she would continue to nag me to the sunrise.

About opening the door without looking first, having a stranger in the car, not calling the police, staying in the car with the stranger, and giving money to a stranger without good reason.

Blah blah blah the list would go on and on. So I rather not put myself in that situation.

To be honest something bad could have happened to me if I think about it. I wouldn't even be able to identify who it was.


Happiness is a butterfly    Kim Taehyung Where stories live. Discover now