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lDanny was getting ready to visit family in Ohio . He was packing his travel backpack , only packing the essentials (clothes, food, water, little nutcracker guy, and some health products)Finnaly after like 30 minutes he finished packing.(( slow ass bitch ahahahah/j)) Ok so then he picked up his keys from his night stand and headed out of his room. "I don't wanna go to ohiooooo~ I wanna make YouTube videos with kurtissss :(((("

Little piss baby stopped crying for a sec and made his way over to his car.

He revés up the engine and drove over to the train station. Once there, he got out and left his car there (idk what you do with your car when you ride a train) and walked into the little station thing. He showed the guy his ticket and got on board, putting his luggage by his feet.

" this is gonna be a boring trip" he said melting into his seat


Kurtis was devastated. Just as he had made it in the airport, to surprise his buddy ole pale Danny, he got a call from his family saying he had to go to Ohio. After swearing a bit he went online and booked the first train ticket he saw heading into Ohio.

He grabbed his luggage he was originally going to take to Danny's and went into the airport taxi to go pick up his rental car.

Once he had his car he went turned it on and started driving for the train. He got all his luggage and went inside. He showed his ticket and made his merry way over to the train.

"I hope the food here is good-" he said sinking into his seat

To be continue 😱😱

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