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Once he'd got Lizzie sorted in the spare room, Aaron made himself another cup of tea. If he and Mark were going to Ireland, he wouldn't be able to post any videos until they got there. He'd have to tell his subscribers.

He took a sip of his tea and then sat down to make the video. Should he tell them where he was going? Nah. They'd either follow him or expect videos with Jack, and if he was in trouble then that wouldn't happen. He set up the camera, then pressed record.

"Hey, what's happening everyone, this is Yamimash. Um...I'm not going to be making any videos for a little while. I'm going...on a trip. A little excursion, if you like. It's with Mark and Lizzie, so they might not be making any either. It's...nothing to do with what's happening, we just....wanted a holiday".

Too many dot dot dots, Aaron thought.

"Though I do feel truly bad for what's happening, and my thoughts go out to the families of my friends involved" he added.

Too soppy.

"Anyway, just wanted to tell you in case you thought differently. Thank you, bye!" He turned off the camera. He hated many things in that video, but he uploaded it anyway. Much like most of his videos.

Comments came pouring in almost as soon as it had reached the subscription feed. He smiled when he read ones like,

"Hey, it's your choice. I'm glad you're seeing Mark again, you two are awesome. It's great you care personally about the disappearances. See you soon!"

Though as Lizzie called it 'the d word' still made him shudder. What if he was next? What if Mark was next? He turned off the computer and sighed. Best not to worry. He realised he had finished his tea so he made another one before going to bed. Yes, Aaron thought. I'm a tea addict.


The next morning he received a text from Mark almost immediately. It was still dark outside, and Aaron groaned when the clock read "5:30". The light from his phone blinded him.

"Flight canceled but I managed to get an earlier one, so I'll probably be with you by about nine tonight. In British time, that is. See you soon :)".

Aaron smiled to himself, even though he was secretly cursing Mark for waking him up so early. He decided not to wake Lizzie up just yet, so he moved through to the kitchen and started sleepily pouring some shreddies into a bowl whilst making another cup of tea. He really fancied bacon, but in his current zombie-like state he'd probably set the house on fire.

As he poured the milk into the mug second after the hot water (that's the proper way, he thought) Aaron heard the letterbox open and close. Oh god. The paper. That gosh darn paper. He pushed his tea aside and ran towards it, flicking past politician scandals and celebrity gossip until he reached the page before the page. He carried it back into the kitchen, cradling it as if it was his baby. Who was next?

He took a nervous swig of tea as his shaky hands moved to turn it over. The shakiness wasn't actually from the nervousness, but from the worryingly increasing amount of caffeine he was consuming in his tea.

Aaron breathed a sigh of horrified relief. It wasn't Mark, Jack or Lizzie. But it was Ken. He felt himself crumple a tiny bit more. Every time someone he knew was lost he became more and more sad, and the sadness was usually cured by tea.

Caffeine, as Aaron had been taught, was a legal, recreational drug. But he now decided that the amounts he was consuming was probably tipping the scale into illegal. Aaron looked at his mug, then pushed it aside.

Just then, Lizzie entered the room. She was wearing bright pink pyjamas to match her hair, and they had little cat faces all over them.


"Morning". To diffuse the awkward silence, Aaron asked,

"Who's looking after Buddy?"

"Oh! Well, it's lovely of you to ask, but..." She trailed off. Aaron spooned a load of shreddies into his mouth before he could speak again, forcing Lizzie to finish. "He ran away when dot dot. I've tried looking, but I'm just hoping that we'll find Joel and then I'll get both my boys back". Aaron smiled sympathetically. Then he frowned.

"It was Ken today."

"Oh." The conversation basically stopped there. They ate their breakfast in silence, Aaron thinking about Mark and Lizzie about Joel. Was Mark okay? Did he get on the right plane? Is he bringing Tiny Box Tim? What about Bob and Wade? Is Mark uploading any content? The list went on and on.

Aaron looked down into the milk, which had turned a depressing colour of brown from all the shreddies. Mark would be fine. So would everyone else. It would all turn out okay.


Hey! So, quick update on the uploading situation, I've decided to have one week with just an upload on Saturday, and the next with Saturday and Wednesday. That means there's an update on Wednesday next week. See you soon!

P.S, just spotted a mistake last chapter. It wasn't Ze who disappeared, it was Ohm. I know, still cruel, but I've gone back and changed it. Just thought I'd let you know.


Stay magical :) - Cat

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