Update (march 2022) (important :) )

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I know this chapter will reach some people because I still see new viewers every once in a while, so for anyone reading this here's the sad truth about this book.

It's very unlikely I will write many more imagines or prefs at all. When I started writing this I was maybe 12? 13? Now I'm 17 and updates have been terribly slow. I appreciate everyone who still reads my chapters, leaves comments and likes, and adds this book to their reading lists. I've had this account for roughly 5 years. And, this being the only story I have made on here, I see every comment you guys leave and it makes me happy to know to this day my dumb little chapters are still getting read and appreciated :).

I haven't updated in a year, which I realized tonight, and I feel terrible. I love to write, but unfortunately I've sort of grown out of my fan fiction phase (for now) and, not entirely but somewhat, out of my bat boys phase.

I'm very proud of this book. I'm proud of how many chapters I did upload, how many views and hearts it has gotten, and how many positive comments I've received, and still do. To anyone new who has read this book all the way through to right here, congrats. You watched my writing progress through pretty much my entire teenagehood haha. And if you are reading this, and enjoyed the book, please feel free to leave a comment on here letting me know :)

I love my readers, and this may not be an official end to the book, but a temporary one at that. The Batfam and I love you always,

-KPT, <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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