Preference Imagines #1 - Random Stories

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Well fuck me in the ass. (Sorry for the swearing!) I haven't posted in like, three weeks. I failed the schedule. FML. Unfortunately my WIFI went out unexpectedly, and we just got it back. But it's okay  now, and I can continue writing, and you can continue reading. Oh, thanks for 5k reads btw. Enjoyyy~


Short, Separate Imagines for the Boys 

Got These off of Tumblr, so credit to the writer

Dick Grayson:

Imagine: Person 1 wakes Person 2 at 4 am because they wants someone to eat cereal with. Person 2 questions why, but Person 1 surprises them and says "I just wanted a reason to be with you, is all..." 

You were fast asleep, having a good ass dream, until you felt tapping on your shoulder. 

"Y/N.." You heard a soft whisper. You ignored your boyfriend, upset that the dream was ended so abruptly, and tried to fall back asleep, hoping it would continue. He tapped you again, but this time with a bit more pressure. "Y/N," He said again, slightly louder than last time. You groaned, knowing the dream wouldn't come back anyway. 

You turned and faced him, your eyes only slightly open. It was dark, but you could make out his figure laying next to you, his head faced in your direction. "What is it..?" You quietly asked, your voice groggy and tired. 

"Come eat cereal with me.." He whispered. You furrowed your eyebrows, and looked past him at the digital clock on his nightstand. 4:02 am.

"Dick, it's four in the freaking morning. Why do you want to eat cereal this early?" You asked in an annoyed, yet confused tone.

He stayed silent for a moment, before stating, "I just wanted a reason to be with you, is all.."

You couldn't help but smile. You sat up, "alright, let's go then." 

Jason Todd:

Imagine:  Person 1 follows Person 2 out for a smoke break during work, but Person 1 doesn't actually smoke. They attempt to smoke a cigarette to impress Person 2, but they immediately start coughing uncontrollably and embarrass themselves.

"Hey, Y/N. I'm goin out for a smoke break. You comin?" Your best friend, Jason, asked as he walked towards the door. 

"Yeah, let me just finish up with these papers. I'll be right out." He nodded and exited the building. Basically, you and Jason started working together a few years back. Over that time, you both became very good friends, and recently, you found yourself liking him. Any time you saw a chance to impress him, you tried. Did it always work? Probably not. But who knows?

You finished what you were doing, and walked outside. Jason was a few feet from the doors, leaning on the wall, and of course, he had a cigarette to his lips. He noticed you, and gestured for you to go there. You walked over and leaned next to him, letting out a small sigh as you watched the cars go by. He offered you a puff, and you stared at the cigarette for a few moments, contemplating what you should do. It was a small chance to impress him. Well, at least in your mind it was. You had only smoked once before, and that was back when you were around 17 or 18. Let's just say, it did not go well. But hey, this was now, not back then. You grabbed it out of his hand and put it to your lips, slowly inhaling the nicotine. Your throat burned from the smoke, and it tasted horrible. You broke into a fit of coughs. That did not go as planned.. 

Jason laughed as you wheezed and blushed from embarrassment, "guess you're not much of a smoker, huh?" You just glared up at him in response, before turning back and facing the busy road once again. 

Tim Drake: 

Imagine: Going to the supermarket and buying all sorts of junk food, only to regret it when they get home.

You had convinced Tim to take a night off so you could have a movie night and pig out on junk food. You two were currently at the supermarket. You pushed around a small cart filled with various chips, candy bars, sodas, and a whole wack of other bad stuff. When you went to cash out, the cashier's eyes widened at the sight of the junk food pile. They rang you up, saying very little as they were astounded by the amount of food you had gotten. The three of you cringed at the price, but you payed anyway. When you got home, you both sat on the couch and dumped the food between you two. Tim turned on the first movie, and you both started to eat. 

You had just finished the third movie, and the snack pile was only about half way finished. "Y/N, I think if I eat anything else, I'm gonna die.." Tim breathed out.

"I think I gained, like, 18 lbs.." You stated, poking your stomach. You quietly gasped, "Tim.." You said as the two of you looked at each other. "I'm pregnant with a food baby..!" You said as you rested your hand on your stomach. You stared at each other in silence for a few seconds, before both breaking out into laughter. What a night to remember. 

Damian Wayne: 

Imagine: Person 1 is relaxing at home (or something normal for them to do) and they randomly get a frantic phone call from Person 2. Apparently they need a ride because Person 3 left them at the Dollar Store...

You were sitting at home, going through Netflix to find something to watch, until your phone rang. You looked at the caller ID to see that it was your boyfriend, Damian. You picked up, and Damian spoke before you could, "Hello? Y/N? I need you to come pick me up."

"Wait, why? Where are you? Are you okay?" You ask, starting to worry.

"I'm fine. Just come to the Dollar Store.." Damian muttered.

You sighed in relief, but you still wanted to know what happened, "Not until you tell me why you need a ride."

Damian sighed, before speaking, "Drake left me here, and I have no way of getting home." You tried to stifle a laugh, but failed. You could hear him groan on the opposite side of the line, which only made you laugh harder. "Could you please just come pick me up?"

"Alright, alright. I'll be there in a few minutes." You stated, before hanging up and getting your shoes on. 

I know Tim's and Damian's were short, I'm just not good at writing for those two unfortunately. 

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