alphas mate

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Shadow taps his finger on his throne armrest as his minions bring in another possible mate. He stares into the brown chipmunks blue eyes and sensed no connection. "Not the one you may feed" he said waving them off to feed on her. He listens to her scream as they feed on her blood. "My alpha?" Said a purple cat. "Yes Blaze?" He replied as she bows. "We apologize we thought she was the one..." "It's not your fault now please leave me." He said. She bows and leaves him alone in his mind. He closes his eyes and gets a vision of red, purple, blue, and the sweet smell of mint and evergreen. He opens his eyes at the sound of the doors opening once more as his pack brings another in but they struggle holding him down. His fur red as blood, eyes a beautiful mix of blue and purple. He stands up from his throne and walks closer to this intoxicating creature. He looks closer into his eyes and caress a lock of his long red fur releasing the scent of evergreen mint. Shadow smiled at him. "I finally found you~"

The day before

Knuckles unloads the last box into his apartment. "Finally....." he said and flops on his sheet sheetless bed. He wanted to start his life since his father passed and couldn't wait to finish up but he wants to rest for now. He gets a knock at his apartment door. When he opens it he's greeted by pink and blue hedgehogs. "Welcome to the apartment complex!" They said. "Um thanks. He replied still tired. "I'm sonic and this is my beautiful wife Amy" "Knuckles" he said leaning on the door frame. "We brought you some baked spaghetti to welcome you into the neighborhood." "I'm sorry but I'm allergic to garlic so...." "so is sonic I make everything homemade without any garlic" "oh well ok thanks" "our pleasure welcome again have a nice night!" They walk away as knuckles shuts the door. "Ooooook they're really friendly too friendly." He said as he put the food on the table to find his plates. As he let's the food cook he sets up his TV so he could at least get the news on. Once it's hooked up he heads back to get his cooked food and starts to eat as he turns the tv on. "Damn.... She wasn't kidding and this is good" he said to himself as he flips the channels until he finds the local news.
He sits down and enjoys his meal as the weather man gives his somewhat accurate predictions. He was interrupted when breaking news covers the screen. Knuckles turns up the volume a bit as the woman stands outside what looks like the park not to far from his apartment. "Another missing woman was found dead right under this tree behind me. She had same marks on her body as the previous 5 victims and police are now confirming a possible serial killer." Knuckles gulps down his food and is frozen in place had he moved into a town with a killer on the loose?

Next day

Knuckles walks down the apartment steps early in the morning just as the sun peeked into the horizon to head to the store for a few items for storage. He couldn't get the whole killer thing off his mind as he walks over the fallen leaves on the sidewalk. He felt a rush of cold wind behind him which was odd since it wasn't supposed to be windy. He stops to look behind him and only see the empty foggy road. When he turns to continue to walk he is face to face with two figures who knock him out.


"What are you talking about?!" Knuckles demanded. "Who are you people?!" "Awwwww knuckles is that anyway to greet your neighbors?" The voice rang along him turn his head to see the pink and blue hedgehog from yesterday. "Hello again" Sonic smiled showing to long fangs. Knuckles turns back to the black and red hedgehog in front of him. "Now I know this must be confusing to you but over time you will learn why my love." He smiled. "I'm not your love! Now who are you!" Knuckles yelled. "My Name is Shadow Alpha of the vampires and you my sweet echidna are my soon to be mate" he smiled caressing knuckles cheek with the back of his hand. "Like hell I would!" Knuckles said. "My sweet echidna~" shadows eyes glow. "You don't have a choice~" shadow grows his fangs and sinks them into knuckles neck.

Knuckles bolts up in his bed sweat dripping down his face. He looks around the dark apartment and flops back down covering his face. "That felt so real....." knuckles said. He feels soreness on his neck and bolts up running into the bathroom. He flips on the lights and starts checking his neck. Once he didn't see any bite marks or wounds he breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank god it was just a nightmare......" he muttered but for some reason he was a bit sad. He touch his face and fur where the "vampire alpha" had caressed him. He shakes his head and splashes water on his face. He heads back to bed and checks his phone for the time then his heart started to race when he saw the date. It was the day after yesterday. He could've sworn he left yesterday morning. Maybe it was a dream.  He puts his phone down and curls back up in his bed drifting back to sleep.

Knuckles yawns as he walks into the kitchen to brew up some hot tea and make some scrambled eggs. He turns on the tv just as another breaking news story appears. He sips on his tea listening to another missing woman found dead in alley way as he finishes up cooking his breakfast. He drops the pan and his mug as his eyes widen in shock and fear when they showed a picture of the latest missing woman.

It was the same woman he seen being killed by vampires when he met the Alpha.

You will be mine (knuxadow)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang