internship and hero killer run it's back

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(lady Nagant call for one)

Lady Nagant:so izuku James what information can you give me about him all for one

All for one:He is powerful and he is the son of the number vigilante of America

Lady Nagant (shock and scared 😨):Are you kidding she had a kid and you want me to bring him back alive to you

All for one:is there a problem lady Nagant? I thought you can get any job done?

Lady Nagant:there no problem is just going to be difficult to get the job done that all

All for one:good there's only one problem there is a rage called rage that can cancel any Quirks that are not related to his but you can turn your arm into a sniper am I correct

Lady Nagant:yes sir but-

All for one(hang up)

Lady Nagant:great how am I good to get him to wait he king the rapper I just blend myself and when the time right I strike I just need him to trust me I could maybe be his girlfriend that could work that 10 million is mine

Sero:Jamal wait pro hero you pick

Jamal:I going to gran Torino

Momo: I expect you pick snipes or the ochako going to

Jamal:I was going to but all might request I go to the grand Torino and that the man who taught all might all he knows

Shoka:if all might request then It must be great for you

Jamal:what pro did you pick Katsumi

Katsumi:best Jeanies

Jamal:ok I mean that's great and what about you shoka

Shoka(then closer and whisper) endeavor

Jamal:Oh ok (kinda worry)

Jamal:what about Mineta

Mineta:I going to mount lady

Jamal:I see you get that good training in(dab up)

Mineta (dab up):yeah good training

Everyone their head:prev

Jamal:what about you momo

Momo:oh I going to-

Jamal:you mean that hero that a model ints kendo doing that one too

Momo:yeah and how did you-

Jamal:she texted me

Time skip everyone gets to the train station

Jamal:good luck on your internship and Lida can I talk to you

Lida:sure(walk to him)

Lida:what up babe

Jamal: I'm sorry to hear about your brother is he doing ok

Lida:(getting sad):no he is not he is in a coma right now he fought the hero killer

Jamal:they don't get any idea Lida I know how you feel and your train is about to leave you

Lida:oh right love you(kiss him and leave)

Jamal:love you to

Time skip when he get to hosu city and his apartment

Time skip when he get to hosu city and his apartment

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