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It's been already two weeks, half of Paris is destroyed and flooded. The other half was still pretty steady, exactly where i live. I'm lucky that it's like that, I wonder why he hasn't even layed a finger on this place, it's untouched. 

My parent's have been sent in army, leaving me here. In hopes to survive. Theres a safeplace and a market across the street. There are still quite many places and buildings that are left untouched, but yet still are quite dangerous. 

I haven't seen any of my friends, except Rose, i needed to attend her funeral.  My phone is dead due to the fact that i can't charge it because we have no electricity, so that means the only contact i have with some of my friends is at school, including Nino, Allya and Kim. I fear that the rest of them are dead, but i refuse to believe that.

I quietly sigh, opening my book. I had to make a project about our favourite villain, and I Marinette chose Cat Blanc, how ironic, this guy goes around destroying Paris and it's citizens while I'm writing a whole project about him. 

I refuse to believe that he's that evil, sometimes he looks sad not angry or psycho. I personally think he's just lonely. Not evil, just a street cat who wants a friend. 

A sly breeze hits my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I wobble the pages of the book, humming a toon. I'm quick to grab my pen, i write down the date and the theme ''Cat blanc the villain or the truly awesome guy?''

I grab the information page and stop on the 5th point, has this villain ever had a softspot for someone or something?

I'm not sure about this question, everyone thinks he's heartless and evil, while i have the feeling that i know him.. It's quite weird, I was never scared of him or thought he was evil. I'll have to skip this question, maybe if i ever meet him i can ask him, but it would be quite unlike for me to even get close to him.   

 I've only once seen him in real life, he wasn't destroying anything just sitting on the edge of a building. 

It was getting dark, which means that i couldn't write anymore due to the fact that i can't see in the dark, unlike a cat. I close my book and put the pen in it's spot. I get up from my chair and place the book on the small coffee table i had on my balcony. The wind was getting stronger and stronger blowing paper news and other trash across the streets of Paris.

Cat Blanc's POV:

I jump near the end, almost missing the jump. It's been a stressful day, full of problems and things to worry about, so it's hard to concentrate. So much things to worry about that i- forgot to go to the safeplace and check if she was there. I sigh and head over to east, the direction of the safeplace.

There was a reason i left this exact corner alone, because of the people living here. My memory doesn't let me recall but i remember someone living here, someone that i loved before my kwami got corrupted. I have the feeling this person, that she was a girl, she had something special about her, i just can't get my mind on it.

I land on one of the roofs, a loud thud following afterwards, I'm quick to take a look around the area, The last place still lives till this day, untouched. Under this roof theres a couple of apartments, some are empty, some still used. It's not like i would care. 

I jump a floor lower, landing on a balcony, a pretty nice one for this time range. The frame is decorated with lights, setting an atmosphere. There we're chairs, flowers, a- i pause. Girl, a girl

There was a girl sleeping on one of the sun bathing chairs, she seemed peaceful, her stomach slightly lifting up and down as she snored in peace. I walk up to her, she has a white tee with a blue paw, my initials, they don't sell that anywhere so she must've made it herself. 

I couldn't stand seeing her sleeping in the cold, even i'm not so cruel to let her get sick and sleep in the open.  I grab the blanket that was set on the coffee table and spread it.

I go up to the girl and lay the blanket on her, she seems deadly peaceful, too peaceful.

I give my last glance at the female and head out from her balcony, not even bothering to go to the safeplace anymore. This girl, i have this feeling that i know her. I'm quick to shake off my thoughts as i'm near the Agreste's Mansion. 

''Blanc, claws in.'' 

A/N: To get this cleared out, in the storyline. Hawkmoth stopped using akumas and found out a way to corrupt kwamis, leaving the miraculous holders in a villain form at anytime, but now he's gone and not a part of the story [ theres gonna be a part dedicated to this exact info]

I feel the weight of my body costume disappear, my ring revealing a white plagg kwami, now the power of infinite destruction. He yawns and flies over to my shoulder, his multi-coloured eyes expressing tiredness and boredom. 

''Kid, since you got these new powers you haven't let me rest. Or eat, so irresponsible.'' He pouts crossing his arms.  

I head over to my room and opening one of the drawers, revealing a whole lot of crystal cheese. 

''Dig in'' I shrug, heading over my frozen monitors. Anger suddenly washing over me like a tsunami, i grab one of my trophies smashing them against the ground, scattering the golden flakes across the room. 

''You're right Blanc, I don't care about you, I can't help it, since my miraculous got corrupted it's so hard to even smile or show any emotions, and it's all because of my father.'' I clench my fists, the roof over my head cracking and starting to shatter. 

''Hey kid, get a hold of your emotions before this place goes down.'' The anti-kwami squeals, dropping the crystal cheese. 

''You don't understand Blanc, I can't keep destroying things if I don't want to accidently kill ladybug, if she still is here, she's brainwashed and probably doesn't even know she has a miraculous.'' 

''And if i can get a hold of that miraculous, Lady Misfortune will not be just an illusion anymore.''




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