Lynx is a needy bitch.

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As the bright, luminous light rised up, it reflected off of  Lynx's bedroom window hitting her straight in the face. Not being able to go back to sleep, Lynx decided to get out of bed and get dressed for school.

She ran to her closet cutely, while taking out a black coloured shirt because Lynx is an emo and then she thought to herself cutely.

"Why can't I be like the other girls? Why am I so....quirky?"

She thought to herself cutely before quickly getting changed. Lynx quickly flew down the stairs with her magical wings since she is an angel/demon/queen/princess/king/wolf/fox/cat/chicken/dog/goat/fish/mermaid/hampster/zebra and she has magical powers because of this as well.

As she made herself some breakfast she couldn't help but feel lonely since everyone hated her because of her emoness. She would always get bullied because of how Quirky she was UwU.

Lynx finnished it all because she forgot to eat dinner the night before like the stupid dumb ass bitch she was. UwU.

She ran to school tripping herself up on literal air because that's how quirky she was.

As she got to school Lynx tripped over some air again. Even though she can fly, she decided not to. Because again, she is a dumb ass bitch.

"AHHHHHH"  She screamed dramatically because her face was just about to hit the floor...WHEN SUDDENLY. It didn't.

"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-huh?" Lynx asked cutely. She looked up quickly.

There was an attractive girl, who had short brown hair which was hovering above her green emerald orbs, who was standing in front of her. She had catched her.

"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hi" Lynx said cutely while stuttering. The other girl did nothing but stare into her soul. Haunting her.

Lynx was a dumbass. She decided to be quirky. She stood up before not even one second later tripping herself up (on purpose this time) into the others arms and blushed.

"Hehe..I'm s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-sorry" Lynx managed to blurt out while staring into the girls sparking green orbs. Sadly for her, she was met with a glare from the other as the stranger pushed her away.

"W-What? Am I not cute enough for her???" she asked herself when suddenly Lynx couldn't handle the thought of not being cute enough so. She started to cry.

As the stranger just stood there, awkwardly watching Lynx do this, not knowing what to do about the situation, the girl started the feel annoyed that this random person who had just tripped themselves up, was crying for no reason at all. Since the stranger didn't know this person AT ALL, she tried to leave the scene in one peace.

Unfortunately for her, Lynx saw this and being the needy little bitch she is, she grabbed onto the stranger and jumped onto her, wrapping her legs around her waist.

"What the hell?!" Was all the poor stranger could let out before they were interrupted by Lynx.
"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hehe" She replied cutely. Before the teachers grabbed her and fortunately threw her off of the innocent (now traumatized) stranger.

"W-w-w-w-w-what?!" Lynx shouted before crying (again) for no reason at all except that she wasn't getting her way. The stranger was finally able to get away from Lynx and lived happily ever after. The end :)

Thank you for listening to this really terrible short story I wrote. I obviously don't write like this in real life lol anyways sorry for making you lose brain cells and have a good day/ night. <3

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