i forgot this existed

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I forgot this existed anyways hi <3. I'm going to try and remember what happened in the other chapter I'm pretty sure the person was like "I'm Vivian" or something like that. So, I am going to continue this I guess?

Vivian's Pov:

The girl looks up at me, she looks like I just gave her a fortune or something.

"Vivian." She says my name slowly as if trying to figure out what it means.
"Vivian. Viviaaan. Vi. Vivi. Vivian." What the actual fuck is she doing? Why did I tell this weirdo my name again? Oh yeah, that's right, because I'm stupid.

"Umm..so.." I try to think of something to say, something to do so that I don't have to talk to her. Although maybe she's just a bit weird because she's high? I should be nice.

"What's your name?" I ask her. She quickly stops saying my name and looks up with me. Somehow her eyes are sparkling even though there isn't any sun around. They are so bright I'm actually certain she's high.

"O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oh.. umm..i-i-i-i-i-its... L-l-l-l-l-lynx." Why is she stuttering so much? Nevermind.

"Okay. Cool. Bye." Now if I walk away maybe she will leave me alo-

"W-w-wait!" She calls after me.
"Yes?" I ask impatiently.
"Are you new here?" Are you being serious. Why does she want to know? Eh it won't hurt to tell her anything else.

"Uh yeah I am. Why are yo-" I get interrupted.
"I knew it." She says with delight in her voice. Do I look like I'm lost? Do people think I'm stupid? Is she new here aswell?
"What do you mean?" I ask her.
"Do I actually look that obvious?" I probably sound anxious as she gets all worried and upset.

"Oh no! It's not that, don't worry. It's just that I have never seen you here before. Normally you've been homeschooled but-" Now it's Lynx who gets interrupted.

"Wait, what?" Vivian asks confused and a little bit scared.
"How did you know that?" The other girl looks at the one with short brown hair and smiles, before speaking.

"I also know that your last name is Pumpkin and your mother name is Charlotte. Your dad died four years ago on the 26th of August. He died of 'yourmum'." She took in a deep breath before continuing.

"Your favourite colour is black. Second favourite colour is red, a blood red to be exact. You have one cat, one dog and fish. You love reading, painting and horror/thriller movies. (Now I'm just describing me lol, but my dad's alive.) You listen to loud, rock music but you also like not so loud ones as well."

Vivian was so confused and shocked at what she had just heard. This person knew everything about her.
So she ran away and ran home and locked all her doors and went to sleep because I don't know what else to type also I am tired because I am writing this at like one minute past midnight and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be tired tommorow but who cares?

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