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Liam: alright, now that we can finally focus, let's start.

Zayn: by that he means you fucking bitches finally stopped bitching so we can concentrate, now. Oh. Minus Harry, he's a good lad :)

Harry: aww thank you Zayn :)

Niall: wtf where is MY good lad??

Louis: wtf you don't just FLIRT with Harry like that?!??

Zayn: not that I was flirting but explain to me why the fuck not?

Louis: cos ur king commands it 😌

Zayn: ...
Keep talking, Liam, sorry for the distraction

Liam: thank you, Zayn.
Alright, so basically, Simon asked us to come together as a band and perform a song. That shouldn't be too difficult, right?

Harry: I mean I'd agree but that means that all of us (Lou and Ni) have to agree and.. I dunno about that heh

Niall: aww a nickname I forgive you for putting his disgusting ass name and mine in the same vicinity

Louis: you don't deserve to even know of my existence, not to talk of communicating with me. And HARRYYYYYYYYYYY

Harry: what???

Louis: I can be very agreeable :(

Harry: of course you can, Louis, I'm sorry x

Louis: aww it's kewl xx

Zayn: you guys are annoying

Louis: stfu Zendaya Mousetit.

Zayn: for God's sake, can we get a different person to just... Replace this guy?

Harry: okay yeah I was wrong so everyone is gonna be arguing except you and I, Liam. Umm... Good luck, leader?



Zayn: I will not be speaking to any of you in school.
Except Liam :)
And Harry ;)


Zayn: Harry tell your child to go take a nap or sit in the corner or something? 🥱😪

Louis: okay, someone hold me back. Seriously. HOLD ME BACK

Harry: Lou stop yelling? So we can listen to Liam like we're meant to

Louis: I'd be more attentive if Nipple and more importantly Zen wasn't such a BITCH

Harry: :(

Louis: fine.

Harry: :)

Louis: :)

Niall: that's gay, Tommo

Louis: die.

Liam: ahem. The PROJECT.

Louis: right. Let's get er done, then, boys. Who's gonna write the song, what's it gonna be about, music, melody, chop chop bitches I am exhausted from being so amazing the entire day.

Zayn: do you ever stop bullshitting

Louis: do you ever stop your clearly innate desire to suck my DICK
I mean *whispers* dick, sorry Harry

Liam: I swear to God, I can't even anymore you guys are just... This is impossible! We need to pass, alright? I can't fuck this up, I do that enough already so get your shit together for just a moment! I mean this is our first chat, is every convo going to go down like this??

Louis: I mean I hope so, ngl

Harry: LOUIS.

Niall: omgggg you made mom yell 👀 he mad mad, get rekt bitch

Louis: 😑😤 okay. Whatever. See, Harry, I can totally control myself.

Harry: this isn't about you, Liam is upset.

Louis: I don't care he needs to stop being so soft ffs

Harry: there's nothing wrong with being soft

Louis: agree to disagree~

Harry: you're an ass.

Louis: sometimes, yeah
Whachu gonna do about it :p

Harry: I'm gonna go talk to Liam. Privately. Excuse me, Niall, Zayn, I'll be back in a bit.

Niall: Louis... You kinda overdid it. Harry's kind of a soft guy by nature, that was like a personal dig

Louis: wdym??

Niall: he's got some femininity to him and he shows it. That's why I can see him as a mom, he seems very maternal. And you just said soft guys are like weird which isn't really great

Louis: oh. Well, fuck. I didn't know. I'm always busy with footie and I've never seen him at a game, I don't ever see him around. Honestly hadn't gotten a good look at him till this project

Niall: it's alright. At least you know, now

Louis: ugh. Now I have to go apologise. Stupid toxic masculinity, I actually think soft guys with feminine sides are hot I was joking around I swear to God HARRY DONT LEAVE ME I'D SLAUGHTER THE ENTIRETY OF BUCKINGHAM PALACE TO SEE YOU IN A DRESS AND NAIL POLISH OKAY FUCKKK 😭

Zayn: tell me, Niall, how much time do you spend watching people?

Niall: I mean you watch people too while you're smoking on that wall of yours.

Zayn: so you've watched me too, huh? I do look at people. But that's the thing. I look. Glance. I don't observe like you do. I don't know the things you do. You probably know a bit about everyone here, don't you?

Niall: *a lot
I have a lot of time on my hands so umm yeah I do what I do. It's fun. Observing. Observing is fun.

Zayn: you're weird.

Louis: dude don't be an ass.

Zayn: takes one to know one but you didn't let me finish, dumbass. You're weird and I think it's cool.

Niall: really???

Zayn: yeah. I'm being genuine, trust me. Lying is such a boring concept to me so I'm not the best at it. You're cool. We should smoke sometime.

Niall: oh, sorry, I'm Christian

Zayn: okay? So?

Niall: I'll smoke the day I get tattoos haha, no can do. Raised pretty Catholic 😊

Zayn: oh. I see. Religious. Tell me, church boy, how'd you get past the internalised homophobia anyone brought up with religions like yours have? Just curious.

Niall: my parents aren't that type, especially my mom. They're really supportive.

Zayn: cool. I wouldn't know, haven't quite got around to asking mine. Islam and all that, I'd rather not risk it

Louis: eww things are so serious now. Zayn you're such a wet blanket.

Zayn: life is a mix of both serious and not Louis. Don't get so lost in one side that you forget about the other

Louis: you're totally high right now, aren't you?

Zayn: why'd you think I needed those five minutes??

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