Beginning Notes

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Hello and welcome to my stereotypical Loki/Avengers fanfiction that I may never finish but I hope to.

Except it's not stereotypical, it has my signature pizzazz to it.

So the timeline is like this:

Everything is the same up until Thor 2, where Odin is a little harsher on making sure Frigga never visits Loki in his cell and Malekith doesn't kill her. Thor finds his way off Asgard with Loki's help and, after killing the Dark Elves, Thor returns him to his cell. You know, using him like the tool he's treated as. No "thank you" and no apology.

I'm not bitter, you are.

And then everything is the same up until Age of Ultron, where Pietro survives because I want him to and Hulk never says "peace out, bishes." 

And in Civil War, Thor stays on Earth and everyone speaks about their differences like civil human beings. Tony is still bitter about Bucky, but he doesn't blame him for his parents' deaths. Zemo was arrested and everything from Black Panther still happened, not that it matters. And Spider-Man is canon, where he's currently an Avenger in training.

Every non-OG Avenger isn't going to play a big role in this, sorry. But I have other Loki & Spidey stories.

Bruce plays a big role in this. I love Loki and Bruce friendship, so that'll be a big part of this.

Also Bruce is still a little bitter about Natasha shoving him off a cliff, but hasn't had the courage to bring it up just yet.

Most if not all warnings for this story. Anything you'd usually see in a 2012 Loki/Avengers fanfic. No memory-torture scenes tho. Thanos won't be a big part of this, mostly just mentioned in the background. Y'know, since Loki was forced to take over New York.

This is also during when Ragnarok should take place, just so you know.



(Cross posted on Ao3)

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