the scepter and the mask

185 16 62

Asgard is...

Big? Amazing? Splendiferous?

All of the above, Bruce thinks as he looks around.

His friends agree with his sentiments, because Tony looks like he just died and went to heaven, Clint and Steve are both gawking, and even Natasha has to pick her jaw up a couple of times.

The glittering golden castle stands out against the green mountains that encircle it. Around the castle, there are two sets of walls. One is shorter and encircles the caste itself and the other is taller, cutting off some of the browner-looking villages farms outside of the rich areas.

Ba Sing Se deja-vu, am I right?

Bruce says this to Tony, who either hears or doesn't hear but thinks of something rather disturbing, from the look on his face.

If Bruce focuses hard enough, he can almost forget that this isn't a planet, but a slab of dirt and rock hovering above an abyss.

A bunch of guards, who seemed to have materialized out of thin air, escort them toward the palace. It seems like a long distance and Thor does suggest horses, but the guards say that the scenic route is better. Bruce isn't complaining, even if his feet hurt.

Tony is being very vocal about the aching feet, though. So is Clint. Natasha has been through rigorous training and Bruce doubts Steve can ever get tired with his serum enhancements.

As we walk (pointedly avoiding the lower ring, Bruce notices) and see a lot of big buildings and homes.

There are plenty of different types of people they see. Most are wearing expensive looking clothes, gold and silver silks for woman and heavy leathers and armor for men. Some others look more like servants, wearing duller brown cottons. The rich people, probably nobles, give the Avengers strange looks, like they're mud on their boots. The poorer people look at them with curiosity and awe.

Bruce doesn't know how he feels about that.

When they finally, finally reach the castle, Bruce realizes how big it is.

Wow. Like-- Wow!

"That is the corridor to the rooms where you'll be staying," Thor says, pointing everything out, "In that direction is the healers' halls and the dining hall."

"You have a sick house, Thor!" Clint exclaims, walking while spinning in circles yet never getting dizzy.

Thor frowns for a moment, then nods. Obviously, he forgot what "sick" meant in that context.

"I mean, it's not too bad," Tony says, looking a little jealous. He taps his little earpiece and mumbles to himself, "FRIDAY, start a list on tower improvements."

Bruce laughs to himself as Steve nods sagely, "Your kingdom has such an interesting culture and heritage."

"Let's just hope it doesn't get destroyed during the oncoming Age of Terror," Clint mutters darkly.

Bruce groans. Why, Clint? Why must you ruin the moment? Natasha also looks a little annoyed at her companion's remark.

Thor scowls and nods, "Let us proceed to the throne room."

The big hallway they walk down leads to an equally big set of doors, which are slowly and dramatically pushed open by about ten guards. Just like everything else in this realm, the throne room is big and gold. The throne is big and gold too.

And, as expect, the not-man, the used-to-be-myth, the evil-legend himself, sat on it.

Bruce hates to admit it but being a king really suits him.

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