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Bruce didn't properly process what happened until the door to the hallway slams loudly shut. He sees Eir emerge from wherever she's been hiding and leave the room too. He stands and decides to follow them, earning strange looks from his comrades who are still seated.

They don't matter right now.

When he steps out, Loki and Eir are about halfway down the hallway and arguing.

"You shouldn't have accepted."

"Well, I did."

"Go back in there and--"

"And what? Go back on my oath? Lady Eir, I may be manipulative but I am not without honor."

"What good is your honor and pride if you're dead or gone?!"

Loki shakes his head and turns toward Bruce as he approaches.

"What was that?" He asks.

"Thor challenged me for the throne and I accepted."

"But--" Bruce waves a hand aggressively at the door, "What was that?!"

Loki sighs and rubs his face as Eir speaks, "King Loki has been challenged for his throne. He will have to go up against the challenger in ritual combat. I must be going. Preparations need to be made."

Loki's face pulls into a grimace as he walks down the hall. Eir stares after him and sighs deeply.

"He doesn't know what he's doing," Bruce says, "Does he?"

"Do any of us ever know what we're doing?" Eir replies, then smiles softly at him, "Look after him please, Dr. Banner."

"I-- I'll try?"

Eir nods and starts walking in the other direction. Bruce stands there for a moment before running after Loki. It takes him a bit to catch up and he still needs to jog a little to keep up with the man's brisk strides.

"Ritual combat?"

"I must fight Thor in the arena. It's to be done as soon as possible, at noon. Not today. There isn't enough time for preparation. Tomorrow."

"You're fighting him to the death?!"

"Yes. Or surrender. Or knockout, but that hasn't ever been done," Loki says, "Mercy is seen as a weakness."

"So you're fighting Thor," Bruce nods, "Right, right. Cool. That's great."

"No, it isn't."

"Of course not!" Bruce says hysterically, "This is horrible! He's going to kill you!" 

"Why does this matter to you?" Loki asks, looking genuinely curious.

"I don't like watching people get hurt."

Loki scoffs, "Right."

Bruce glares at him, "Just so you know, I don't control the Hulk. I don't like hurting people, but he just destroys what he wants."

"I'm not talking about your Hulk. I'm talking about your choice to join the Avengers if you prefer not to harm people."

"I-- What do you mean?"

Loki stops walking and raises an eyebrow.

"What?" Bruce asks, a strange feeling suddenly swirling in body.

"Dr. Banner, you realize that the Avengers fight people, correct?"

"The bad guys, yeah."

"And when they fight, they cause plenty of collateral damage and risk the lives of innocent people."

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