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     Veronica laid JD on the couch and put a blanket tightly around him. Her and Heather D. sat down at the small table in the kitchen.
"Soooo...do you still even like him?"
"Nope, ever since the 'suicides' I never talked to him ever again. Until now"

      She nodded. JD started waking up slightly, turning his head. It was quite blurry, he just turned it the other way and went back to sleep.
"I'm going to make us some food." Veronica hopped up and took some stuff out of her fridge.

     "Well if you give jessie James anything then give him a cup full of liquid drainer."
Heather d. rolled her eyes. Veronica nervously laughed.
"Heh...wish I could."

     She got some eggs out as well as a pan, she got to cooking some scrambled eggs on the little wooden stove she had. Heather d. watched JD as Veronica cooked.

      She put it on three plates, set two on the table and one on the coffee table next to JD.
"You wanna go shopping?"
Heather D. looked over at Veronica.
"Sure, you wanna get drunk after?"
Heather excitedly nodded and the two left.

A few minutes later JD fluttered his eyes open once more. He took a sticky note that was on his forehead off and read it,
"Enjoy your breakfast bitch me and heather (not heather or hea fuck nevermind) went on a shopping spree, dont do anything dumb while we're gone"

     JD set it down in the coffee table and sat up on the couch.
"Hmph, plain ol' Ronnie"
He mumbled to himself as he began eating the eggs. Shortly after, laughing was heard from outside the door before the two walked into the home.

      "hmnheheh...and then she was like, 'hErNaNdO...i StiLl LoVe YoU!' Hahah."
"Then he was like 'bUt MaRiA, i LoVe SoMeOnE eLsE!' "
Heather D. did dramatic hand gestures. The girls giggled and set their shopping bags on the ground near the doorway. They turned and saw JD staring at the both of them.

        "Aww darn your awake already? I wanted to draw on your face with the new permanent markers I got."
Veronica whined. Heather D. laughed.
"Very funny."

        He rolled his eyes, taking another bite of the eggs Veronica made earlier. He started thinking that he should not be so rough with Veronica since she stopped acting like a bitch but he was still deciding.
"Oh by the way! We bought you a shirt while we were shopping."

      Veronica held up a shirt that said 'I'm gay' on the front.
"Are you two drunk or something?!"
The two girls looked at each other.
They both said at the same time. JD sighed and got some money out of his pocket.
"I can't deal with this, stay here. I will be right back"

       He got up and walked past the two drunks, going outside and shutting the door. He knew that there were 7/11s everywhere, JD walked down the sidewalk and peaked around the corner.
       There at the end of the block was a 7/11. Not surprising. He entered the cold concrete building and walked right over to the slushee part. He got three cherry flavored ones and snuck out with them, as the cashier was turned around. JD started back down the sidewalk.

Meanwhile with the two drunkos————

"I'm getting tireeeeed"
Veronica pouted. Heather D. groaned and tipped back in a chair.
"How about I put on some music?"

      Veronica messed with her hair and got up. Heather D. just shrugged.
JD opened the door to Veronica playing CPR.
"Oh god you two are drunker then I thought."
The two looked at him and Veronica stopped the music.
"OOO are those slushees? Give me *hic*one!"

       She ran over and took one, Veronica immediately started chugging it through the straw.
Heather D. got up and stumbled over to him, taking her slushee and slumping down on the couch.

      "Soooo I'm guessing both of you will have hangovers...how nice."
JD rolled his eyes and took a sip of his slushee. He sat down next to the two drunk dark haired girls on the couch.
"Hey, Hey JD, heeeeeey"

       Veronica poked JD's head multiple times.
"What do you want Ronnie"
Veronica came in lock with his eyes and stared. She kissed him on the lips, pulled back, then smiled. He sat there flustered until Veronica broke the silence.
"Your hoooooot heheh.."

     She layed her head on his lap, JD melted at the love he was getting...and from Veronica too. He remembered she was drunk and would probably get mad at him again once she was normal.
"Ehehew, get a room!"

     Heather D. rolled her eyes and laughed. Veronica took another sip of slushee. She curled up next to JD like a cat as he ran his fingers through her hair.
"Can we daaaaaate?"

     JD's eyes widened and Heather D. had a smug look on her face while staring from JD to Veronica.
"urm...of course! If you want."
Veronica nodded and held his hand.

Sorry I haven't made stories in awhile I have been busy 😭 but there will be part 6 coming soon, also sorry it was a bit short

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