chapter 8-lilly

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I got up and held my mothers  pictures  close to my heart and when I reached my room  I went to the piano  and sang a song I had made up  and named  mothers angels I sang the song  tearing up  and when I was done I wrote it down  in my new  song journal  that had all the songs  I had sung  so far  once it was written I sat on the chair of the balcony  and looked down at the palace grounds  and  just enjoyed seeing the wildlife.

I had the need to leave the palace and enjoy the fresh air so I asked  one serving man for Freya   he went and got her and I asked she take me in the garden  she walked  with me and we talked about her pregnancy  and her boyfriend  she told me that the king had  ordered  him to support her financially  or he could marry her and take responsibility  Freya laughed calling  him a fuckboy who would never commit and  said he agreed to paying  1000 pounds a year  up until our child was an adult .

I hugged her feeling glad that she got justice  for all the bruises  given  to her  by her boyfriend  we walked and talked until  we came to the place garden doors  Freya  took me out and  we sat on the bench  and talked more before exploring  the  garden I loved seeing all the trees and  flowers and Berry bushes then Freya took me through  a  field  that  we  got into from a gate  in the garden  and  we walked to.what I had assumed  was  a stable  Freya laughed and told me believe  everything  I saw.

We went towards the stable and Freya touched a button that opened  up a  stairwell we went down them and saw  a animal  paradise  there were rabbits,dogs,cats,birds and horses  I saw all the horses and  Freya told me of who each  horse belonged to   out of my family.

I was so  facinated  and asked Freya if  I could choose one horse for myself  she giggled  and took me to. Another wall with a button and pushed it and that is when i saw  horse  after horse  Freya told me to look at a horse that I wanted and once I chose it then it was the horses  decision   on if it wanted me as its rider I looked around not seeing one I liked but then a pure black horse caught  my eye and I told Freya  which I wanted  she gasped telling me that the horse I had chosen  hated  having riders and if I chose it then  I was dancing with death.

I chuckled  and  told Freya that  I wouldn't  die and  I would tame the horse  I walked towards the black horse who  looked at me intensely   and as i walked  the horse tamers put the other horses away  I stopped  when  I  was inches away from  the black horse  the horse let out a angry neigh and I backed up a bit   since I saw  that  the body language  of the horse showed  fear.

I asked Freya to ask the  tamers  of what the horse liked and felt comfortable  with  she asked Jose who  blushed on seeing Freya and  said  music  calmed him  and everytime she heard singing   she would calm down  I knew that this was the  answer so I sang  a song called  a light in the dark that I had heard  years ago  and instantly  as soon as I sang   the black horse who I had named sage  went into a trance  and as I sang  I   walked towards her and she  showed no aggression when I was close to her  I carried on singing  and touched her snout  she  sunk into my touch  and bent her head.

I could hear awes and  wows as everyone  was stunned of how I managed to  calm an aggressive  horse I then  put my forehead to hers and I saw a memory of my biological mother  raising the horse from a foal when  her mother died  I could  hear  my moms voice saying that one day   sage would grow up and  become a loyal horse to the unborn princess   I knew then why sage had been so aggressive  it was because she was waiting  for me to come.

When the memories  went  I stopped singing and sage was nuzzling  me  she looked calmer and acted docile  then sage sat down  neiging  at me to ask I sit on her back I did as she asked and  then I began  riding her  I heard clapping  and it startled  me since I had forgotten  that people were watching  us   Freya told jose who blushed again  to open the door  to the  fields he did as she asked  and when it was open me and sage  took off it was exhilarating  riding sage  she was so fast and sweet  we rode until sundown then I told  sage we had to go back she neighed  and took us to the stable where jose and Freya were flirting.

I cleared my throat  and the jumped apart both  blushing  and I asked jose to take sage to.the royal stable  and he did then I asked jose to  take Freya home since it was dark and she was pregnant  I nudged Freya as in to tell her that she should get some  Freya blushed and hugged me and went off with  jose I was escorted  by Parker one of the garden maintenance  men  who locked the  gate and he asked Maria  one of my personal  maids to take me to the  palace.

I went to sleep early  that night  as I had to wake up early for school  and  I was nervous as fuck because it wAs such a prestigious school  and I didn't  want to make a fool of myself  the first day.

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