Chapter 53-luca

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The training  was done and I made my way to  David's  pack land   he  gave refreshments  out I pretended to take it but  spilled it  when David  wasn't  looking I acted drugged and saw a evil Cheshire cat grin  on his face   and I knew he had tried to roofie the drinks my brothers  also spilled there drinks and so did lillith  I was happy about that.

The moon was out and David shifted  and so did  I   we fought in wolf form  we were equally  matched  and  I  only got bit once  but David's golden wolf was  old and  tired   and that became  my advantage I bit  and pounced  on David   he howled but I didn't  let go  I saw lillith  supporting me and she was  cheering me on  her support  made me fight harder.

  Eventually  I had weakened  David and won the title  of  alpha  I howled in delight  and I saw David's pack bow down to me and my brothers  I changed into human form and  I ran to lillith  I kissed her and she kissed me I began getting  erected  until I heard mum  clear  her throat  and say with a  chuckle

"Luca Daniel  Jameson  put 9n som damn clothes  mama wolf  don't need to see you getting a hard on for your luna "

I cussed  whenni remembered  that I was naked and I had gone commando
I heard lillith  laugh she said to  my mother  for a joke 

"Well fauna  I like his erected penis  its amazing  and weren't  younand John Young once  I am sure when  he became alpha  and shifted into human form  he must've  gone commando  like luca  and I have heard men in shifter packs often take after there fathers"

Mother  blushed and father  winked at her  then mother clipped lillith around the ears  and  fake scolded  her lillith  giggled  and went to help mother with celebratory  drinks silas and ilas joined her  Tyrone and cade set up three spits and  Hunter went to hunt deer  he came back with two wolves and  three adult deers John  skinned  and de intestined the deer with  cade and hunter  then silas  and ilas marinated  the deer  and lit a fire  for  each spit.

The packs set up  tables and seating  around a huge bonfire created by Tyrone and Lillith  we sang and celebrated  all while  waiting  for the now almost roasted  deer meat  then  all the female  pack members  were seated and the males began  serving the ladies
Lilith  looked at home  in the pack and   as everyone  ate  i asked cade to amplify my voice once he had I began saying  my part

"Hello and thank you  for  accepting  me as your new pack alpha I promise  to  protect and  honour  the pack its people  andbthe rules  I also promise  to help  young female  pack members   who ate if age  find there mates and celebrate there  union  but  I have a new  proposition  for  both packs and wish to tell you all of how  me and my father John  have decided  to connect  the packs  together.

  That means  that  my pack will no longer go by the  pack name  double crescent  instead  it will go by pack unity   the rules will be the same with a few changes the first rule is  females ate to be respected  by everyone  secondly  we will  go for a death penalty  if we find any  pack members  going against  or intended  on hurting  pack family.

The third new rule is that  the alpha of the pack  unity  no matter who it is  from this day forward can choose a mate who is not a wolf  because with mates there's no guarantee  that  wolves  will end up with wolves.

   In my rare case I share my luna with my five brothers   who love her  as much as I  with lillith   there's no permanent  placement  on where she will  go   with the  six of us lillith has options and  needs to  not only rule over flabosnia  but our pack,Tyrone  home clan ,silas and ilas's clan ,cade clan or even hunters  clan  what I mean is  the days  lillith  is here you can talk  pack matters to her andvshe will talk to me regarding  the issues.

Also lillith  will never be judged for being a non wolf or if she's not ready to  become a mom and if she gets pregnant  no one can make snarky comments about her  carrying  a  none wolf   because lillith  has six mates  and at any time she could get pregnant  with any of our children  you shall treat my luna with respect  as you do to my mother  and anyone  making my luna uncomfortable  will be charged and put in the dungeons"

My  pack took everything  I had said in to there mind and and hearts and vowed to never  make  lillith  uncomfortable  my mother looked proud and  so did my father he also told his  pack exactly  what I had told my  pack and they all promised to treat  lillith  with respect .

After the pack discussion  and new rules we partied all night  until we felt a tremor  lillith  had glassy eyes and   became lost I knew this from the many times hunter had spaced out that it was a vision  and then lillith  spoke in voice that didn't  sound like her  at all

"Beaware  young  supernatural of the brotherhood   trouble lurks in   Flabosnia  for your mate and powerful enchantress   evil is almost unleashed  and shall come for your bride  your mate must unite all the clans and banished  should return home the more help you get the more  you can  defeat the evil  unite all the supernaturals and protect them all  tap into the powers of her and yourselves  goodluck"

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