My Baby❤️

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(Chapter 27)

Nicole took Baby home and she made sure he had all he needed and did what the doctor told her to do! She was worried because she had not received anymore post cards or signs from John which made her to start believing that maybe it was someone else but right now she needed to focus on her Baby boy she didn't want to loose him she couldn't handle the pain of losing another baby even if it was a dog it was still someone who brought her so much happiness in the time she needed it and if John never came back he was all she had left!

Nikki was at home laying down with baby when she got a special delivery! She went downstairs with Baby in her arms and she received the package from the UPS Man!

She signed the papers then she took the box inside!

She set Baby down on the floor and they headed into the living room to see what it was!

Nikki: Okay baby lets see what it is!

Baby barked and Nikki smiled she opened the box and as soon as she looked inside she smiled because she saw rose pedals and a ton of her favorite things!

She immediately calls Brie over and waits for her to come so that she could see!

Brie: I'm here what's the emergency?
Nikki: Look what came today!

She said as she dragged her up to her room! She saw the box then at Nicole!

Brie: I came for a box?
: A box from John!

Brie smiled and looked at her confused not wanting to her her feeling but she still had her doubts she thought maybe someone was playing a trick on her maybe someone was trying to drive her crazy!

Brie: How do you know?
Nikki: Look inside!

Brie nodded and looked inside!

She saw all of the Rose pedals! Then pulled out a bottle of wine

Brie: Wine! Someone wants you drunk!
Nikki: My favorite wine! Opus One!
Brie: We all know that!
Nikki: Okay true keep going!

Brie nodded then pulled out the box of Macaroons!

Brie: Macaroons?
Nikki: My almond chocolate ones!
Brie: Okay Phil knows these are your favorite as well!
Nikki: Yes but he always got the coconut ones not the almond ones like John did!
Brie: Maybe this time he has it right?
Nikki: Ugh keep going!

Brie shook her head and pulled out a box of doughnuts!

Brie: Your chocolate doughnuts? And a chocolate Cronut!

(For those of you who don't know what a Cronut is its a Croissant and a doughnut put together!)

Nikki: My favorite come on Brie, John knows this stuff!
Brie: Yes a lot of us do!
Nikki: Okay well just keep going!

Brie pulled out a box of chocolate and she just didn't even bother she kept pulling things out of the box when they turned a little bit more risky! She started pulling out ropes and hand cuffs and edible underwear and more things that began to scare Brie!

Brie: Nicole what is this?
Nikki: Proof that it's John!
Brie: How is this proof? It's plain scary!
Nikki: Okay come sit! What I say stayed between us!
Brie: Okay what Nicole how is the prof that it's John?

Nikki sat down and patted a space next to her so Brie could sit! Brianna was a little confused but she agreed and she sat down with her Nikki looked around and got Baby and she sat him with her Brie was happy that the ought this Nicole had something that made her happy!

Nikki: Okay so a long time ago when me and John had barely made a year of dating I told him something!
Brie: What?
Nikki: I told him that a fantasy of mine!
Brie: Which was,
Nikki: I wanted to be tied up and hit with this whip and basically everything and anything that involves bondage!
Brie: What?!? Really you told John that?
Nikki: Yes but we were always so busy we never got to do it! And I always reminded him that this was something I really wanted to do I mean Brianna who else could it be I only ever told him!
Brie: Okay now I'm convinced like you are! I think it's John!

Nikki hugged her sister and they were talking and Nikki was so happy the finally someone believed her!

They were to busy talking and laughing about Nikki's sexual dream that they didn't notice when Baby got down and laid on the floor!

Nikki then noticed that Baby wasn't in the bed anymore so she began to worry!

She began to look around and she saw him laying on the floor and he looked weird so she ran to him and when she picked him up he seemed lifeless!

Nikki: Brianna!

She said as she began to cry!

Brie: What?
Nikki: He's breathing heavy and he feels really warm what should I do?

She said as she began to panic!

Brie: I think we should take him to the pet hospital!

Nikki nodded she got her bad and Baby's carrier and they headed to the emergency room!

When they got there they quickly took him in and they were there for hours! Nicole was very scared she didn't know what to do she didn't want her baby to die! She wanted him to stay with her forever but she knew that these small dogs didn't have a long life span but she didn't expect for her dogs life to be ended so short!

While she was out getting coffee the doctor came back and talked to Brie!

Dr: I hate this but it doesn't look like he will make it much longer the medicine was working for a while but for some reason it stopped and I don't think he can make it more than a week without being in pain! She had to decide wether she should continue with his medicine and see how it goes or if we will have to put him to sleep!
Brie: Wow...

Brie didn't know how she would tell Nicole but they had too it hurt Brianna because this dog signified a real baby to her she loved him the way she would have loved her and Johns son so now that this is happening to him she feels so bad!

When Nicole came back they had to tell her about Baby's condition and Nicole didn't know what to do because she knew her baby could be strong and pull through but she also didn't want him to be in pain!

Nikki: I want to try the medications more!
Brie: Are you sure?
Nikki: Yes!

Brie nodded and headed to tell the doctor!

They went home and the doctor told them they could come pick him up tomorrow!

That next day Nikki woke really early and she had this bad feeling in the bottom of her heart she didn't know why but she couldn't shake the feeling she ignored it and just made her and Brie breakfast and then after they are they headed to the vet when they got there she received horrible news!

Dr: I'm sorry Nicole but he didn't make it through the night....


I made this chapter for someone very special to me because her puppy just died as well and I just wanted to emphasize how much a dog could mean to someone but I promise John is coming back soon but it isn't in he next chapter but in the one after that for sure!

Is camp hell disappearing for you guys as well? Because ever since I updated the app I haven't been able to edit it or even open that book so please let me know so I can try to find it and upload it again.......


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