Its All Coming Back To Us❤️

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(Chapter 31
This is the one and maybe not last R-Rated chapter I will write!)

After John was done with all of his interviews and his first appearance back on Raw since the accident, they headed home Nicole was so tired she had a lot to deal with today and she didn't want to relive one second of it and John understood what she was feeling and he wanted to apologize to Nicole for everything that happened that year! It was very hard for them to believe that all of this has happened on one year, and Nicole hated the fact that she could have been done with this that same night that she saw him kissing her but no she had to run away, but no more she was determined to make this work for both of them! They needed each other! Nicole had never met a man that was more perfect than John was, so since his birthday was tomorrow she wanted to do something special for him so she stared planning on what she would do for him, she thought it would be perfect to have a surprise party but she just had him back not from the accident but from everything that had happened and she didn't feel like sharing!

When they got home Nicole was going to go make dinner when John pulled her back!

Nikki: John I have to go make dinner!
John: Not right now I think I want to start on dessert!

He said as he smirked at her and she smiled! He picked her up which got a surprised scream form her!

He carried her upstairs as she kissed his neck! John pushed open the door and when he set her down he continued to set kiss her when she felt something jumping at her feet she tried to pull away but he wouldn't let him!

John: Why do you want to leave?
Nikki: There's something on my feet!

John smiled and let her go when she looked down she saw a small pug!

Nikki: Aww babe!

She said as she picked him up!

John: You like him!
Nikki: It's a boy? Aww so cute who's is he what's his name?
John: Well you can decided he's yours!

Nikki looked up at him with those sparkling eyes that he just adored to see on her!

Nikki: Really?
John: Well ours this could be our started baby before we get married and look into adoption!

Nikki looked at him and shed a few tears knowing that John finally thought about marriage and kids with her she never thought she would see this day come but it was and she was so happy!

Nikki: I love it babe! Thank you!

John smiled and kissed her!

John: So what will we name him?
Nikki: Well both my boys are up in heaven now so how about Angel!

John smiled at her and nodded!

John: His name will be Angel!

Nikki smiled and she picked him up!

Nikki: My angel I'm your mommy! And this handsome man that's your daddy! We will love you and take care of you for as long as we can! I hope you live longer then us!

The pug moved around and licked Nikki's face then got free of her and jumped to John and he played with him!

John: We need to start training him! I have those pads were he can pee and he needs to learn not to destroy things!
Nikki: Yes please when I had baby he destroyed about 5 shoes of my shoes! You will not be allowed in my closet! You hear me angel!

John smiled and petted him and angel laid down on his back asking for him tummy to be rubbed!

John: That's your job Nicole!
Nikki: Why mine?
John: You give the best tummy rubs!

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