No <3

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Olivia's POV:

I thought I'd got away with this whole powers thing. Without a doubt, I wanted (no, needed) them to be swept under the rug, and nobody could ever find out. I would be seen as different, and in my experience, different is never good.

But I'd managed so far, and I hadn't slipped up again and used the powers accidentally, so maybe I could do this, and just hide them forever.

At least, that's what I thought. I was in my room one evening, getting ready to go to a party with Haley, when I got a shout from Claire.

"Livvie, honey, come to the kitchen. Maria's here".

Maria? Why? There wasn't any meeting that I was aware of, and I hadn't got in trouble at school for weeks now, so lord knows why she's here. All I know is that she wouldn't be here unless it was important.

I went down the stairs confused, hair only half curled, to be met with Phil and Claire looking upset... Huh... My suspicions were only confirmed by Maria's sigh as she looked up to meet my eyes.

She forced a smile, which I didn't return.

"Hey, so I need to ask you about something. There's a couple who have been looking everywhere for a girl to foster and adopt. They couldn't have kids of their own, and with the nature of their work, they've decided that a teenager would be more suitable for their family."

I shrugged. "So, that's all good and well for them. But I don't understand where I come into this" I said with a challenging edge to my voice. Let's be honest, we all knew where I'd come into this, but I wouldn't be leaving without a fight.

Maria tried to put her hand on top of mine, which I quickly retracted, and then she broke the silence again.

"They think you're perfect, and they're actually ready to meet you tonight. It's pretty unconventional, I know. But I honestly think you'd get on with them very well, and it's the chance for you to have a forever home".

"Nope. No chance. They can find someone else. I already have a forever home here. I have my foster siblings, and Phil told me he's adopting me, so no can do".

Claire widened her eyes at this. "Phil! We agreed we wouldn't tell her until the paperwork was filed through just in case a situation like this was ever to occur."

"I know, I know, but I just wanted her to know that she was really a part of the family. And how was I meant to know that this was going to happen?" He retorted, sending a pity filled look my way.

Maria sighed yet again, raising her eyebrows. "Foster care was always meant to be a temporary arrangement until we could get you adopted Liv"

"Don't call me Liv" I muttered, before adding: "And besides, you call it temporary, but I've been in foster care my whole life along with three failed adoptions. I finally find somewhere I'm happy, and of course the system has to ruin that for me too".

"Could I just ask you two to give us a minute?" Maria motioned to Claire and Phil, who nodded and left the room.

She then grabbed a file from her bag and handed it to me. On the front was a symbol that looked like an eagle. Around the edges it said "Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division".

"SHIELD." Maria said, seeing me studying the logo. "Ok, there's no easy way to say this, so I'll just tell you straight. This might sound crazy, but we need you to come with us. We're a secret agency which deals with, among other things, enhanced individuals".

I took a sharp intake of breath at this, and snapped my eyes up to look at her. How did she know? I studied her face and it seemed she was doing the same to me, trying to gage my reaction.

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