A bad start

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Addisons pov
Leo finished giving me my tour so he brought me back into my room with very tall walls, huge bed, a vanity, and a master bathroom. The walls were painted with an intricate design matching the rug under the king sized bed. A LOT nicer than at home is my messy small room, and a trashed house from nights when my mom comes home drunk, sometimes with a guy to do stuff in her room but I never knew what they were exactly doing.

"It's so beautiful." I tell Leo.

"That's what I said when I was new, but hey, you'll get used to it." He told me, followed with a small laugh.

I glance closer at the bed and notice what happens s to be my maid dress. "Is that my uniform?" I ask.

"Yes indeed, I will help you get dressed but first you need to take a shower so that I can do your hair and you can be fresh for your first day."

I sigh, "Okayy" I take my backpack off and place it on my bed and stare at the maid outfit, "It's kinda cute I guess."

"I'm glad you like it. When you need me just click this button on the wall and i'll be paged to this room."

My eyes widen at the incredible use of technology here, I thought that only existed in hospitals or something. "Oh okay! Thank you.."

"No problem Addy." He walks out the room and closes the door behind him. I feel so overwhelmed with everything, and on top of that, Liam is looking for a LITTLE?! What if I slip- what if I talk like a baby and don't realize- what if I start sucking my thumb! Okay okay okay calm down Addison. I unzip my backpack and take out my bear, Molly! I know silly name, but Molly has been with me through everything. My uncle gave me this when I was a baby, yes she's a bit tore up but I love her for it.

After my shower I wrap my warm towel around my small body and walked out into the bedroom containing my maids dress. "Is this when I page Leo? I'm so confused." I whisper to myself. I have a bad habit of talking to myself. "No, I don't want him seeing.. everything." I notice of pair of black laces panties so I put them on and blush. Did Liam buy that? How did he know what size fits me?? Anyway, I continue with putting on a matching bra which also happens to fit me a little too perfect. Then the white and black striped tall socks, which I absolutely adored. I had a tall white pair at home, with tiny white bows at the tops.

As I slip them on the door knob twists and this is when I realize the door was NEVER LOCKED! The door opens enough for me to see Liam and I scream. "AAH!" I grab my towel and cover myself up, panicking.

"Ah!" I hear him scream, not loud at all compared to me. He shut the door and waited a moment to say, "I'm so sorry! I should've knocked, but if it makes you feel any better.. At least you are wearing something..!"

I turn red and get so flustered, " SHUT UP! D-Do not say that!" I tear up, I'm so embarrassed. I don't care if I was wearing something he still saw my whole stomach, the panties, and some part of my boobs.. I barely know the guy!

"Can I come in now..?" He asked gently.

I sniffled, "No!" I wipe my tears and grab Molly. I just wanna leave..

"I understand. Again, I'm so sorry." I hear his classy shoes walk away as I breathe heavily. I know you might be thinking I'm being over dramatic but, the truth is i've never done ANYTHING with a guy before, and plus I just met him today! This is going so terrible.

I ended up slipping into little space which usually happens when I get emotional. I was woken up by Leo who looked concerned. "Addy are you okay? Your eyes look kinda red like you were crying."

I woke up confused, I didn't remember laying down and falling asleep but I did, and while cuddling Molly. "Oh my gosh!" I shot up, still just in socks and a laced bra. "I'm so sorry.. Am I in trouble?!"

"No no! Master told me to check up on you since it's been awhile. Did something happen? Or are you emotional because your new and it's your first day? Because I was too!"

"Uhm.. Y-yeah.. Just being emotional.."

"I know it's hard, but you need to put on your uniform! I still need to fix your hair, it's almost completely dry and not brushed yet!"

Leo helped put the maids dress on and tied up the back. It's fun to twirl around in it if I'm being honest. He then sat me and the vanity and brushed my hair softly, "Since your hair is a little messed up from sleeping on it, I'll just put it in a bun, okay?"

"Okay.." I say. After the bun he helped put some slight makeup on just to look more presentable, simple blush, slight foundation and other stuff I didn't know the name of.

"Anddd.. All finished!" I take one final look in the mirror and gasp, "OH MY GOSHH I look like a princess!" He laughed.

"I'm glad you like it, but you must hurry and go to masters office! He will tell you basic information that I do not tell you. I hope you don't get in trouble for being late either. I'll walk you there."

"I'm so scared, what if he's really mad at me."

"He won't be THAT mad, trust me."

He get to his office door and Leo whispers, "Just knock." I nod and he walks away with a thumbs up. I stand there for a silent moment staring at the door. I cannot face him after what happened, but I must.

I gently knock on the door and he says, "Come in!"

~My 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑖𝑑~Where stories live. Discover now