Trust issues

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Addisons POV

I've locked myself in my room, breaking down, running away from my problems like I always do. I don't need him. I don't need him! Ive lived my entire life alone, only myself there for me when I'm not okay. Why is it only now that someone is trying to get with me, BE with me even. I don't trust it. Why should I? Ive just met him, he practically kidnapped me.. And I let him! All for why? Because my life at home is shit?! Yes, that's the reason. Because I was so very desperate for some change in my life. I LET A GODDAMN STRANGER TAKE ME TO HIS MANSION. Just to be his maid. I'm a fool. Yes, don't get me wrong, I prefer being a maid in a mansion than living in that hell hole my whole life, but that doesn't make all my trauma just disappear just because I'm in this place full of GOD DAMN SHINY SHIT.

Liam's POV

"ADDISON?! PLEASE COME OUT!" I yell, speed walking through the hallways, going towards her room, my heart pounding.
Where did it go wrong? Did I say something wrong? Is it even my fault? My brain replaying over and over again, 'You don't know me Liam! And you NEVER will!'
What ever does she mean by that? Is she not interested in me as much as i'm interested in her? Did she get caught in her own feelings? I have no idea.
I reach her bedroom door, I don't wanna knock too hard if she's in there, as I'm almost mad at the way she left me with no context, but also sad because I felt a genuine connection between us at some point, and I want this to possibly work. I knock on the door gently, "Addison.. please tell me you're in there."

Addisons POV

Im sitting against the door, covering my mouth and squeezing my eyes shut, praying I don't make a sound. In my other hand, a blade that I kept in my backpack, as Ive already slitted my upper thigh. I feel the knocking against my back and hear Liam in his uncertain voice. I almost feel bad for him that he has to deal with this because of me. It's always me.

Liam's POV

I knock a few more times before trying to open the door, it's locked so I know she's in there.

"Addison.. I know you're in there. Look, I'm not gonna force you to come out or to say something but there is some stuff I wanna say. From the short amount of time I've known you, I felt a connection between you and me. Something I don't feel very often, or at all. I mean like I was running around my house like an idiot yelling you're name, but I did it for you. I never claimed to know you, but I'm sorry if I acted like it.. I would like to get to know you though, if you let me of course. Just know I don't hate you for what you did, and if you're ever willing to talk to me anytime you feel ready, then I'm all ears. Doesn't matter if I have an important meeting or anything on my schedule. You'll be my first priority. I mean, I must really care about you if I'm saying all of this. I'm really not the romantic type. Please don't cry yourself to sleep. Please, talk to me whenever you're ready. I'll be in my office most of the time. Goodnight pretty girl.."

I stand there for a few moments, hoping there's a voice that says, 'Wait!" or any variation of it, but nothing. I walk away with unanswered questions, but there will be a day they are answered and I can't wait for it. Seriously.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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