The Caramel @a_multifandom_girl

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So on Wednesday at my school we can go to book club, where we get a free book and snacks! First we will talk about the book from last week, then we have snacks, and finally our new book! Anyways, we got caramel and apples w/hot chocolate (because it was snowing). But the tables we usually sit at were covered in books, so we ate on the couches. My friends and I decided to but chairs in front of the couches so we could use them as tables. So I get me chair and set my plate down on the couch so I can move the chair with two hands. After I get my chair settled, I sit down on the couch, forgetting about the plate. I sat in my plate. As soon as I realized what had happened, I stood up. I had sat DIRECTLY in the caramel, and the plate was sticking to my butt! 😳 Oops. At least I didn't get it on the couch. But I had to go to the bathroom and wipe off my jeans with a paper towel! *face palm* At least my book club peeps don't judge, and when I came back we had a good laugh and share of embarrassing stories.

❤️Thanks for reading❤️
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❤️Love you guys!❤️

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