Family Reunion Pictures (@a_multifandom_girl)

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Last Summer my mom's side of the family. She all went up into some mountains that I can't remember the name of, and stayed in a bunch of cabins. They had horseshoes, volleyball, and tennis. I decided I wanted to play horse shoes with some relatives. I didn't know like half of them. Anyways, I'm a weakling, so you can imagine how good I am at horseshoes. Oh, and I forgot to mention, my aunt hired a a photographer. So when it was my turn for horseshoes, I threw it, and obviously missed so I made a face a little something like this -> 😟 Except I stuck my lips out farther.

A few days later I was looking at the pictures on Flickr, and I found it. It was a picture of me from the side, making my horseshoe face. Yeah. I looked like a was playing an invisible trumpet, or calling to the animals of the wild.

❤️Thanks for reading!❤️
✨Sorry this chapter wasn't very good, my mind is blank and nobody has sent anything in yet✨
⚡Remember, if you do send in a story, I can just put Anonymous at the chapter title⚡️
🙈 I would show you guys the picture but I can't find it🙈
❤️Love you guys!❤️

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