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Ryo pov-

I was walking down the street after getting some essentials for dinner when I was nearly hit by a villain running away. Causing me to nearly drop my food, I sighed in annoyance and continue to walk home when the hero chasing the villain ran by and caused me to drop half of my food, luckily it was non-fragile and I was able to pick it up and get home with no more trouble. The following day I decided to visit my parents in their home town of Reefside, as I lived two towns over. It was a good visit but they wanted to tell me something as well. I had known since I was a teenager that they were rangers they both as well as great uncle Tommy, uncle Ethan and uncle Conner trained me and a few others just encase the dino thunder rangers were needed again.

When I reached the age of 14 the white dino gem chose to bond with me, I only used by powers when needed and would stay out of the hero life as much as I could as the states were over flowing with hero and villains. There were heroes that could stretch, punch through metal, climb on walls, walk though walls(heroes who think they can walk through walls). All I wanted was a relatively calm life but that, I would find to be impossible.

I finally had enough the day I was walking home and saw a person get mugged and saw no one doing anything, waiting for a hero to come swoop in and save the day. I did a clothesline maneuver  on the mugger and returned what was stolen to the person. Who berated me for stepping in when "it was a heroes job to do so". I was so frustrated by this that I went to visit my parents to vent as they told me to when I got furious. That is when mom told me she had got in contact with an old family friend and someone I saw as a grandfather figure. Grandpa Fu had told her how calm and peaceful living in Paris was, not only that but they had truly respected and respectable heroes. there were only two and he knew them both, it was then I decided that I would move to Paris.

I said goodbye to my family and friends, packed my bags and took the first flight to Paris. When I arrived I met with Grandpa Fu and then went to the local school to talk with the principal about a job. He agreed and the starting return from break a new class was announced.

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