| Ben |

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So many emotions rumbled through my chest: relief, warmth, love, hope. But one ultimately drowned out the others, eating everything else alive. Guilt.

"Ben," Katie said again in my ear as her entire body trembled. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to hold back the tears that were pricking at the edge of my eyes. I could feel Katie's own relief radiating off of her now that she knew I was here. But that was the problem. Because she shouldn't trust me so blindly. I was the one who had put her here.

The pressure behind my eyes became so tense that the tears started to stream down my face. Katie gently pulled away from me and I stared at her blurry face, which was covered in just as many tears as mine. "I'm okay." She gently pulled me forward and brushed a kiss on my cheek.

I couldn't stand it anymore. Pulling away, I shut my eyes and shook my head.

"Ben?" she asked in confusion, which only made this so much worse.

"This was all my fault, Katie," I whispered, my voice hoarse with remorse. "I'm so sorry." My words cracked at the end and I buried my face in my hands.

Though I had taken a step back, Katie was still able to reach out and gently grasp my wrists, pulling them away from my face. "Whatever happened, it wasn't your fault."

I choked a bit more. "You don't understand."

She slowly swung her legs to the side of the bed, though it looked like even the simple movement pained her. She looked deep into my eyes and quietly said, "Then help me understand."

I wanted to scrub the tears off my cheeks, but she still held my hands, rubbing circles with her thumbs on my palms. I knew she was trying to comfort me, but it only made it harder.

Though I knew my next words might push her away forever, I knew she had the right to know. I had been lying to her for a year now, and she deserved the truth. No more memories made of lies. I took a shaky breath and finally, after so long of wanting to say the words, muttered, "I was the one who brought you here."

She froze, her eyes widening in a mix of confusion and surprise. Her thumbs had stopped moving across my hands and her breath was held in her lungs.

"Sorry to break up this moment, but..." Teller shifted uncomfortably. "We have company." He pointed to the computer screen where he had hacked into the security system of the building. Mr. Orman and a large group of men, including Malric, were marching their way down the hall.

Panic tried to seize my heart, but I fell into my training of staying calm and working under pressure. "Do you think you can walk?" I asked Katie.

She still looked like she had been slapped in the face, but there was no time to see if she hated me or not. I had to get her out of here now that I knew for sure she was the R94. Her earliest memory had proven it.

Slowly, she tried to stand, but her legs, which hadn't been used in over a week, gave out. I instantly caught her. "Can I carry you?"

She didn't object and I picked her up, one arm under her shoulders and my other under her knees. She wrapped her arms around my neck, which was a good sign, but I didn't let myself overthink it.

"Which way?" I asked Teller.

"The back." He opened the door that I had never been through on the opposite side of the viewing window. "I'll intercept them in the hall and stall. Turn right at the end of this hall and then go down the stairs. The back door should be on your right after that."

I nodded, starting to maneuver Katie through the door.

"And Ben," he added when I had taken a few steps down the hall. "Be careful."

Memories Made of Lies | A Short Story [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now