The Northern Alliance

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September 25th,1950

Geneva, Switzerland

Northern Alliance Military Council

Fleet Admiral Carl Allerson, father to Roland and Charles, walked through the corridor leading to the meeting room, followed by a bevy of high-ranking officers representing the Europeans in the Alliance.

When he opens the door, he sees 12 other high-ranking officers, sent as representatives for their respective nation, standing chatting with each other and discussing strategies.

When they noticed him and the other officer's arrivals, all officers stopped what they are doing and began to sit down in the chairs next to table containing the map of Terra.

Several figures representing infantry divisions of both the Gaians and the Elves had been placed around the area of where the fighting is found on Natalis.

Figures representing naval units were found littering the coast, most of them being Elven fleets.

A small group of figures located on the lower continent of Colvae represented the units of the Northern Alliance.

When all sat down to discuss their plans, many began pulling out papers containing memos on military movement, supplies available, forces that can be sent and the availability of said forces. General Dukov of the Russian Army stood up and spoke first,

"Good Morning to all that arrived to this meeting. Now as you know, Europe has declared war on the Elves and so have the Americans and us Russians. Carthenia stated that a declaration of war is being drafted while Kyushu sits back and waits.", all men in the room nodded their heads in confirmation. After seeing their response, he continues,"We are now officially in this war, and our first order of business is to find an ally. We already have one lining up for us, the Gaian Confederacy."

The Kyushan General Toyamaki raised his hand, Dukov allowed him to speak.

"Is it really in our best interests to ally with them? The Gaians are better off to be left alone to fight the Elves while we prepare for war with the Elves.", Toyamaki said.

The Carthenian Admiral replied with, "We need an ally in this war, and we need their intel as they've been fighting the elves for a long time. We can't walk into this blind.". After finishing his work, the Kyushan General made a smug grin and said, "Why do we need their help? We can handle the war on our own fairly well and we have advanced technology."

"I believe their magic evens the playing field.", said the American Admiral.

"They need our help Admiral Toyamaki and we can benefit a lot more from an alliance than without one.", said Allerson, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. He continues

"As you know, my son leads the Naval theatre over in Terra and has been waiting for our orders for an attack. He's also been suggesting that we seek an Alliance with the Gaians.", he finishes.

"Do you think his judgement is wise?", asked the Russian Admiral.

"I believe so.", replied Allerson.

"Then I have no further questions.", fnished the Admiral.

"We need to do this now, intelligence reports state that the Gaians will collapse soon within a manner of months. If we don't help them now, then we'll be alone in this fight.", said the American Air force General.

"Do we have an Alliance ambassador ready to sent over?", asked Kyushan General Maza.

"We do, Lawrence Auburn of the Northern Alliance diplomatic corp has been selected.", replied the Airforce General.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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