Chapter 25

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"Young Master? Young mas- Gary!"

"Yes?!" Gary jumped in surprise turning his attention back to his tutor who, for some reason, was here today despite the day off.
Kevin huffed, shaking his head

"I've been talking to you but it appears you weren't listening"

"Sorry" Gary apologized sheepishly "...but why are you here? Today I can't have lesson" he asked and judging by Mr Newton's expression, that was what Gary wasn't listening to.

"I heard that you will be attending the debut party" Kevin sighed as if he was repeating himself (which he most likely was) "Shannin has let me know that you planned to sneak out to go, so I shall attend it with you"

"What?" Gary blinked with surprise, he didn't dislike the idea but Kevin was one to dislike public places due to the constant slandering.

"Well..." Kevin hummed with a smile "its your official first outing- well in a way-" he said "I want to let everyone know you're my student" he puffed his chest out with pride

"I'm not much to boast about" Gary chuckled, amused "I'd hate for me to be all more the reason for others to mistreat you"

"Bah- what nonsense" Kevin flipped his hand and shook his head "just make sure you are all ready, I'll be your escort"

"Thanks Mr Newton" Gary smiled genuinely

"What did I warn you about?" Kevin said slowly with a scolding tone

"I meant Kevin" Gary rolled his eyes with a grin, watching Kevi streghten his back and nod in approval.

"Now- Forget all that and tell me what's on your mind" Kevin said, making himself comfortable and taking a seat on one of the chairs in Gary's room.

His room had practically remained the same, the only difference being that he got new clothes in an actual decent built closet, new tea table and lounging chair and a set of transparent curtains to go over his normal ones...
There were some decorations here and there, gifts from the Ergons, Shannon who snuck things in despite Gary saying how it was unnecessary, Kevin who gave him so many books it decorated his empty shelves and Tribore who Gary has never met but has become a close pen pal with.
Of course, there were rare occasions where the Emperor would gift him something but Gary has noticed that his mother often would take the gift before he could even know what it was.

"What do you mean?" Gary asked as he sat before his tutor, Shannon coming in with some things in hand to do his hair.
Kevin Van Newton lift a brow, as if asking if Gary had truly meant the question

"You've been zoning out a lot" he finally said, pouring himself tea "I was talking and talking and every word went through one ear and out your other"

"Oh" Gary popped his lip awkwardly, leaning back as Shannon brushed through his hair "Sorry its just-" the teen paused, eyes straying downwards as he thought.

"Mr Newton is right" Shannon hummed "You've been out in the moon since yesterday"

"I'm just a little nervous" Gary lied with a small laugh. Allowing the two to go on to babble about how he'd be alright and so on.

Truth was, Gary had recalled a detail of his past since his talk yesterday with the Ergons. He cursed himself for not having remembered earlier...
Sure he wasn't one to know much about the outside world in his past life but how dare he forget?

Pulling the skin on the edge of his fingers, Gary furrowed his brows with worry recalling the rumours he heard through the door of this very room.
His eyes found themselves staring at the door, comparing the neatly painted door of his room now to the one with scratch marks of his overgrown fingernails from the times he begged his mother to let him leave. He swallowed a lump and shut his eyes at the memory but now that he remembered it, it haunted him even so...

Rumours of maids whispering to eachother about the death of someone.
Captain Ergon towering over Gary a few days later saying her official farewell with cold eyes, jaw set.

Gary shivered at the hatred her eyes carried, not necessarily aimed at Gary but the boy knew some hatred in her heart was towards him.

"I can't believe I wasted my time taking care of ne'er-do-well instead of spending time with my daughter whom has left the world so cruelly..."

"Young Master?" Shannon placed both her hands on Gary's shoulders, kneeling before him with worry.

Gary opened his eyes, shiny eyes with unshed tears.
What if it all repeated? What if it was simply fate Gary couldn't escape. His nanny, whom he grew to love like family would abandon him to Invictus himself and his good friend Avery would die a pitiful death.
Perhaps this time his nanny wouldn't simply leave him, she'd kill him just like she killed the bastard which had killed her daughter... In the end, Gary would die anyway.

With a shaky breath, Gary shook his head, lowering it with shame.
How could he think about himself when Avery's life was on the line at this party? He was far too selfish... a horrible selfish man with a heart made of stone.

How could he forget Avery's death... it had filled the silence in his room which Gary nearly went insane with.

Avery was like his sister... He did not wish for her to suffer. He did not wish for an unfullfilling farewell, not when she had began making a name for herself... Not when Gary knew she'd leave Quinn and her mother to suffer with Gary...

Why didn't he remember sooner?
He shouldn't have talked to Avery yesterday, he should've attempted to change everyone's mind to let her stay out of this debut. To stay out of the place which will become her grave.

No words were said, all Gary got was warm arms that struggled to comprehend his mind being wrapped around him with a comforting shushing sound.

"It will be alright" Shannon, his dear Shannon, whispered. Clueless and naive.

His body rocked with shaky breaths as he hid his face in Shannon's shoulder and nodded.

It will be alright...

Gary will make sure Avery gets to live to the day she becomes the greatest knight in the empire.
Gary will make sure Avery gets to live.

((Ba-Bam! It's finally said that Gary sees Quinn and Avery like family. I love the concept of Gary being siblings with the Ergons so yay!

Gary has grown not only physically. His purpose of using whatever means to survive comes to a halt as he puts Avery's life before his own.
I know he seemed manipulative in previous chapters so I can finally clarify that it's because in his world there is only Gary. He never had anyone caring for him or that he'd care for, he only knew his mother who he did love but got him killed))

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