1~The Soscars 🥇🥇🥇

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So, there I was, standing on the stage of the 2022 Oscars. I was so nervous that I could die, but comedians never show their emotions. They only show that they're there to tell jokes that they know will be funny. After cracking a joke at Javier Bardem and his wife, I shifted the conversation to Jada Pinkett Smith's hair. "Jada," I began, "I love you, G.I. Jane 2, can't wait to see it. Alright?" The audience burst into laughter as Jada rolled her eyes in displeasure. "That was a nice one! Ok," I attempted to move on, but then I looked to the right to see Will Smith charging the stage. "OOOH," the crowd yelled. "UH OH-" I said, confused as to what was happening. I chuckled as he power-walked toward me, then he slapped me in the most unusual way. The side of his hand hit my defined cheekbone and it made a loud thud. "OHO WOW," I exclaimed, not knowing what had happened. "Wow," I repeated. "Will Smith just smacked the shit out of me."  The crowd was now laughing awkwardly as he walked back to his seat. As I tried to begin another joke, Will made a comment. "KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME," he shouted, "OUT YO FUCKIN MOUTH!" "Ooooh," the crowd cheered in unison. "Wow dude," I said, unsure of why he'd done this. "YES." he replied. I tried to explain to him why he shouldn't've done that, "It was a G.I. Jane joke." He repeated it once more, "KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME OUT YOUR FUCKIN MOUTH!" this time it was louder, and the audience was dead silent. "I'm going to, okay?" I tried to defuse the situation, as this was on national television. "Okay," I said, stuttering. "That was the... greatest night in the history of television," I said, easing the palpable tension the best way I knew how: with a joke. The audience chuckled slightly. "Okay, okay," I said, now ready to move on from what had just happened. 

A Slap to Remember (WILL SMITH x CHRIS ROCK)Where stories live. Discover now