4~Jada 👩‍🦲👩‍🦲👩‍🦲

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I walked into the enormous living room of our LA mansion to see Jada sitting on the couch, staring at the 69-inch television screen blankly. She, upon my arrival, immediately yanked her head behind the couch to face me. "Hi, Will," she said with the same bitchy tone she always had. "Hey, Jada," I replied, "about last night..." I was referring to what had taken place at the Oscars the previous evening. Chris Rock made that shitty joke about Jada's hair. I honestly thought it was funny, but then Jada had that resting bitch face on that she wore so well after he'd simply done his job. I decided it was my duty as a husband, but I mainly slapped him because I was done with his ignorance. "Right," Jada said, snapping me back to reality. "Thank you for defending me, but why did you laugh?" She looked genuinely angry. In all honesty, I didn't want to deal with her shit at the moment, but I also didn't want to hear her nag for all eternity either. "I was laughing at the audacity he had to mock you," I lied smoothly. She smiled at me and got up from the couch. She then made her way toward me, her arms extended for a hug. I grabbed her face with my large hand and shoved her away from myself, then walked to the kitchen for a bowl of Fresh Prince cereal. She didn't seem to care about my dismissive nature. No wonder she was so happy when I suggested an open marriage. "Anyway," she began as I poured the milk in first, "I have to go water our children." She walks out to the shed, her head glistening in the sunlight. I stared at her, wondering where I went wrong. To fill the infinite void in my soul, I began wondering who my next partner would be for our open marriage. Chris was the only thing that could truly satisfy me. I didn't know how to get to him. Then, I realized, he held shows all the time. I could search where the next one was, travel there, go to his show, then talk to him once it's over. The problem was that I'd have to avoid the paparazzi. I'd been pretty good at that, so I figured that shouldn't be too much of an issue. My whole life was about to change, and I was so excited to finally get with Chris. If, that is, he loved me back. Shit. I didn't think about that. What was I supposed to do if he didn't love me? No, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, I should focus on getting that plane ticket. 

A Slap to Remember (WILL SMITH x CHRIS ROCK)Where stories live. Discover now