1. GoodBye Slacker Life

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Flickering party lights filled every corner of the Palace, the streets of various shopping centers and markets bustling with decorations and parades.

Today was the Coronation Party of the Roan Kingdom's new King, Alberu Crossman.  The party that had been going on for two days and tonight was the culmination and closing of the big party.

Many representatives from every Kingdom from the East and West Continents were present to see the new sun of the Roan Kingdom, and of course not forgetting the group of heroic heroes that would never appear again.

On the other hand, our beloved hero was sitting on a long, very soft velvet bahal sofa in the corner of the banquet hall, a place Alberu had specially made for Cale to remember his beloved dongsaeng's demeanor.

Cale sat limply on the sofa having no more energy to take in the many congratulations from important people around the world.

"Young master, would you like some honey lemon tea?"  Ron asked with a concerned look at Young Master his puppy like a fallen leaf on the sofa.

Cale just frowned as Ron started to prepare the lemon tea even though he wasn't asked, the children walked around the Palace to taste every dessert there was.

Cale limply accepted the tea his terrifying Plate Chief had given him and ate the cake that was on the table in front of him.

“Cale-nim, do you want to go home first?”  Choi Han asked anxiously.

"No, it's the last night of the Party, tomorrow I will truly embrace my slacker life."

Just a little longer, Cale just needed to be patient a little longer and Cale would be reunited with his beloved slacker life after this horrible night was over.

Several people kept coming and going from place and giving lots of compliments and congratulations, Alberu was the one who became King today so why did they bother coming here.

Cale could see his Hyung was at his place with lots of people also continuing to arrive, but Alberu's expression was still perfect with his majestic demeanor, well Cale would be more patient for the sake of his Hyung's reputation who would take care of all the troublesome things in the future.


On the other side of the world, or we call it another world or another dimension it's up to you.

It's a quiet night in Korea, Yoojin is lying on his long sofa with a reddish bundle, Peach to be more precise on it while Chirpie who is sitting on the one person's sofa is focusing on watching tv with the remote beside him.

Yoojin could hear someone's voice coming in and it was Yuhyun and Yerim who initially glared at each other before suddenly becoming magically close.

"Ahjussi let's eat outside!"  Yerim exclaimed and immediately pulled Yoojin from her seat.

Meanwhile Yuhyun looked dissatisfied because Yerim said it first, Yerim immediately took Yoojin's arm and Yuhyun on the other, Peach which was still in the form of a lump was still clinging to Yoojin's arm.

Chirpie who saw that they were all about to leave immediately flew and landed on top of Yoojin's head.


Just before leaving, they could hear a snake hiss from the kitchen, it was Velare who seemed to have just unpacked the food supplies in the kitchen, Yoojin would be lecturing him later.

For now Velare crawled towards Yoojin and climbed onto him wanting to come along, so the three people and the three magic beasts went to an expensive restaurant for dinner.

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