Backstory Pt 1

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October 1, 1996:

     "NO PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS" y/n cried out to her 'father' as she was forcefully pushed into a strange chamber that had plants, water, and a candle lantern on a small table next to the door.

     "No, I forbid you to celebrate your day of birth with your siblings Number Zero." Explained Sir Reginald to the poor girl. "You must be able to control your ability to manipulate natural surroundings."

     Y/n was now balling out her eyes. Her father said nothing else to her except "I will see you once you have mastered the ability to control your power to manipulate elements, Number Zero."

     Just before he exited the room, the man tipped the candle lantern to the floor. You would naturally think that the fire would spread slowly, and soon hurt y/n, and that is exactly what happened. Kinda..

     As the fire spread slowly but surely in the direction of y/n, she was trying really hard to "water bend" the water out of the small stream going through the room. Of course, she was very unsuccessful so she started breaking down even more.

     "I CAN'T DO IT FATHER, PLEASE LET ME OUT NOW," screamed the now 7 year old child, "please.. I can't do it.." the girl said in a defeated tone as the fire got closer. She then reminded herself to stay calm, given the circumstances she was in, and focused on the water a few feet away from her.

     After about a minute of trying, it still seemed to not work, and the fire was even closer than before. Y/n this time, focused even harder than she has ever had in her entire 7 years of her life. She closed her eyes shut, but then started to feel tingly. So she opened her eyes to be surprised by a bunch of strands of  y/f/c glowing thingys leading to the water (similar to scarlet witch).

     "AH IM DOING IT!!" Exclaimed the girl now putting out the fire with water. After she put out the fire, y/n noticed that her leg felt very weird. She looked down to a second degree burn on her leg.

     The girl felt very dizzy, and everything was blurry. The last thing she saw was the silhouette of her brother Luther picking her up to transport her to the medical bay of the house.

                     Two years later:
     As the Hargreeves children were playing tag-hide-n-seek with their special abilities, all but one 9 year old child was playing. This one, being the one and only Number Zero (aka y/n).

    This girl loved being around her siblings, no lie, but sometimes she needed some space from them to just relax, and let her imagination flow. Y/n was sitting at her fire escape next to her bedroom window reading a book about astronomy [A/N astronomy is my favorite book preference srry if you don't like it but it will be incorporated into this wattpad]. In this particular chapter of her book, she was learning about all of the constellations, and the stories behind them.

     In the middle of her reading, she heard a familiar whooshing sound in her room, "What do you want Five?" the girl questioned in an annoyed tone. "I want nothing from you, and nothing to do with you. I am just simply hiding from Allison." The boy replied. "Well then hide somewhere else because I need my peace and quiet." y/n talked back.

This obviously made Five even more mad for some reason, so he decided to say, " Fine. But you know that you are a weirdo that wants to do nothing but read nerdy books, and be a disappointment that can't use her powers properly." What five said hurt y/n a lot, taking in the fact that she had a scar on her leg still from the traumatic day her father locked her in a room that was about to be up in flames. Then, he exited the room, leaving y/n crying, and Allison finding her and comforting her.

Four more years later:

After numerous times of Five and y/n trying to kill each other, all of that ended on one particular day at dinner.

As y/n was peacefully reading, she heard a creaking noise coming from her bedroom door. She knew it was five, so she pulled out her knife hidden under her skirt, while turning around in a swift movement. After she did all of that she pressed her knife against Fives throat and said in confidence, "Nice one Cinco, but I guess you have to die now-". Then he cut her off by also, putting a sharp blade on her throat, "I could kill you if I wanted to bitch" whispered five to y/n.

"Then go ahead," y/n whispered back with no hesitation, "kill me."

"I hate you."

"I hate you back."

They were both in a little pickle, but nothing like a little ring on the dinner bell works better to save their lives.

When all of the children got to have dinner, Five and y/n were just shooting daggers at each other with their eyes. If looks could kill, they would've already been dead.

Suddenly, in the middle of dinner Five stabs the table with his knife (poor little table what did it do to you). "I have a question."

oh my goodness, thank you so much for reading this!! Again, this is my first ever wattpad I have made so pls dont come at me for my bad grammar or other shit. Anyways I love y'all have a great day/week/month/year!!

-Tootie ❣️

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