Character 5

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Sorry for the long ass wait. I've been working on school assessments lately.

Dreams POV

Why the fuck am I like this. Why can't I just trust people. Why can't i just let him in, let someone help me. I place a tray of tea and cake on someone's table and head to the back to clock off, finally being able to go home after dealing with annoying customers all afternoon. On my way home it starts to rain, the small droplets becoming heavier and more frequent as I continue to walk down the street. Soon enough the rain starts to poor heavily, drenching my uniform and chilling me to the bone. I pick up my pace Until I break into to a run, bolting down the street towards the hell I call home.

Panting, I stop at the front door. I fumble for my keys while desperately want to be in my warm bed. Before I can reach them the door opens, revealing i pissed looking Callie. "YOU LITTLE SHIT, YOU'RE GETTING WATER ALL OVER MY GOOD PORCH!" I wince at the volume of her voice and the large puddle surrounding my feet. Cursing my self for my stupidity, I look at my feet as she opens her mouth, reading myself for yelling. "If you think you're coming inside you have another thing coming." She hisses, before slamming the door in my face. I slump to the ground starting to cry as i shiver from the cold of the rain. I slowly stand up, anger ingulfing me. I spit at the door and turn away, trudging back up the street looking for my safe spot in an alleyway close to where I work. Before i can even reach the alley I trip on the crack in the concrete I usually remember to step over. "Dream?"

Georges POV

God I hate it when mom forgets something at the shops. I roll my eyes as i kick a rock off the sidewalk. Is that, grumbling? I look up and see a tall soaked man in a work uniform. Who the hell would be out in this weather.

He kinda looks familiar in some way. That light hazel hair, I feel like I've seen it somewhere before...wait, is that. "Dream?" What the hell is he doing out in the rain. I jog up to him, raising my umbrella over his head. "What are you doing out here?" He rolls his eyes "I could ask you the same thing" he scoffs back. He raises an eyebrow, pushing the umbrella back over my head. " I asked first Dream." I reply. " Well why I'm out here is none of your business George." " Fine but at least take the umbrella." I shove the umbrella into his hands. " Absolutely not this is yours, I don't need it." He says, trying to give it back. I push it towards him start to walk away.

Dreams POV

This idiot, he'll get soaked without his umbrella. I grab his hand, trying to get him to stay under the umbrella but he's very stubborn. He sighs. " How about you just come to the shops with me? That means we both stay under the umbrella." I mean it's not like i have anywhere else to go but ... "Aren't I too wet? They wouldn't let me in." He shrugged. "They can deal with it. Let's go." I sigh but follow the brunette.

As we get to the Walmart a worker notices us and glares at me, walking back inside. "Are you sure about this. I can wait outside or something while you shop?" I start walking to the side wall. Suddenly i feel him grab my arm from behind, pulling me towards the sliding doors of the store. "Come on, let's go." He says, entering the shop, me in tow. George walks up and down the shop ailes picking up herbs, chocolate, milk, etc. Suddenly he jolts like someone scared him. "Shit  sorry I didn't ask if you wanted anything." He states. Loudly. Rubbing the back of his head. "It's fine, I don't need anything. It's your don't worry about it. Plus i have my own money. No need for you to waste money on me." I reply shyly.

Georges POV

Why does he always talk like he's not worth anyone's time. Like it's not worth it. Or there's no point? "Do you know why everyone bullys you?" He looks at me, shocked. "You care?" I cock my head to the side. "Yeah why would'nt I?" He shakes his head."it doesn't matter, it's just noone asks me that. They just believes the rumours and join in." "WHAT." I shout, making the shopkeeper glare at me. "What." I whisper. "Why?" He just shrugs.  "Also, what rumours? I haven't heard any." "Just wait. You will, and you'll leave like everyone else." "Thanks by the way. I needed a place to dry off." He says, leaving the shop before i can stop him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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