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Ranboo woke up the next morning feeling like shit. So did Tommy.

Phil moved all three of them into one room so he could look after all of them at the same time.

Ranboo head was pounding and his body ached. He sat up in his bed and began to write in his memory book.

I feel horrible, anyway things to remember.
•Tubbo's sick
•Tommy's sick
•Your name is Ranboo
•Your friends are Tommy and Tubbo
•Be safe

He closed his book and laid down. Wilbur was sitting on Tommy's bed and was strumming a guitar. Ranboo fell asleep quickly to the quiet strums and humming from Tubbo.


"Ranboo! Ranboo! Wake up!" Ranboo woke up and was being shaken by Tubbo.

"What is it?" He sat up quickly.

"Look!" Tubbo pointed to his face, a large scar that was there had disappeared. Ranboo stood up.

"Holy shit..." Ranboo realized he was much taller then before he fell asleep.

"What the hell." He noticed that his legs looked a lot like Tubbo's and he had a tail with a large poof on the end.

"I think you getting sick was like you getting ready for this to happen or something."

"Maybe." They looked over to Tommy who was sleeping but looked just the same.

"Let's go tell Phil!" Ranboo ducked far under the door frame and walked downstairs with Tubbo. Luckily the ceilings were high just the door frame weren't high enough.


"What Tubbo? Holy fucking shit." Phil had to look up to see Ranboo.

"How the fuck are you so tall? You weren't that tall two days ago!"

"I was asleep two days?"

"You were fast asleep dude."

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