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That was how Samantha Owens viewed the boy who sat next to her in history.

Dwayne Hoover

He never spoke, never smiled, he never seemed to do anything other than read. Most people seemed to forget he even existed. Even though she had never spoken to him, Sam was bewitched by the black-haired boy. Every day during history the boy plagued her thoughts.

They had been sitting next to each other for months but had never actually interacted, not even a single glance was shared between them. She felt as though she was invisible to him, just as he was to everyone around them.

She often thought that maybe he was a ghost or maybe she was seeing things.

All she wanted was for him to acknowledge her and prove that he was real, although she could never quite figure out how to make that happen. She would often come up with little plans to get his attention but could never find the courage to pull them off.

Dwayne sat back in his chair and watched as his black marker rolled across the classroom floor. It slowly travelled away from his reach before parking itself right under Samantha Owens' left foot. After an already shitty day, having to interact with someone just made him even more annoyed. His pen had been kind enough to decide to roll off his desk and plant itself under the foot of the girl next to him.

He had noticed the way she watched him in class, her hazel eyes studying him when she thought he wasn't looking.

Dwayne usually just tried to ignore it but something about the purple-haired girl staring started to worry him.

Why was she looking? Was he ugly? Did he smell bad? Was he just imagining it? Was he imagining her?

He'd never actually seen or heard the girl speak to anyone. Sometimes he liked to jokingly think about the possibility she might be a ghost.

Numerous unanswered questions would race through the boy's mind every time he noticed her looking. He wanted to know why she stared but didn't want to talk to the girl. People weren't really his thing so he just left it alone.

The sound of a chair squeaking pulled Dwayne away from his thoughts of the girl and back to his pen which was now on the floor. He needed to get it back.


A light tap on my left arm pulled me away from my oh so important essay. I turned my head to the left to see Dwayne hoover staring right at me.

Dwayne was probably one of, if not, the prettiest boy that I'd ever laid my eyes on. Its why I almost started to believe I was imagining him. His continued silence and constant book reading also added to that theory.

I don't think I've ever heard him say a single word the entire time I've sat next to him.

He was like a ghost. A cute little ghost.

He tapped me again before pointing down at the floor. Sitting under my left foot was a pen, specifically his pen. I gathered by his outstretched arm that he wanted me to grab it. I leaned down and picked up the pen glancing at his pretty face on my way up. The pen was quickly and quite rudely snatched from my hand.

His head turned back to the book on his desk. Annoyance rapidly took over me, what kind of person does that. He didn't even say thank you. I stared at him harshly, my eyes burning an imaginary little hole in his head.

" A thank you would've been nice " His head slowly turned to me after hearing the annoyed tone in my voice. He looked at me with a blank expression before turning back to his paper once more. Seconds later a small notepad was dropped on my desk

"Thank You"

A small smile crept onto my face. I thought it was kinda silly that he decided to pass a note but I decided to go along with it. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see he was focused back on his book so I began searching through my bag and pulled out a pen.

" You're welcome :) " I scribbled the words down and chucked the notepad back to him. It took Dwayne a few seconds to put his book down and read what I had written. He sent a quick nod my way and it seemed like that was it.

My first interaction with Dwayne wasn't really how I thought it would be but it was better than nothing I guess.

At least now I know he's real.


Ok so hi, I'm terrible at writing and I have no idea where I'm going with this or if anyone will read it but it's cool, I just love paul Dano <3

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