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All sam could think about that night was Dwayne.

She wanted to talk to him again.


There he was.

Dwayne, sitting in his seat at the far left corner of the room.

His nose in a book, like always.

The walk towards my seat was nerve-racking, I still haven't decided whether I wanna start a conversation with him or not. I get nervous when talking to people.

Before I knew it I was sitting in my seat facing the front of the class. I looked to my left to see Dwayne still reading.

That's when I decided to do it, I turned my body towards him and finally said something


He looked at me and then pointed to himself making me laugh slightly.

"Yes you silly"

Quickly he began reaching for something in his pocket, he pulled out a little notepad.

"Hello ?"

I looked at him kinda confused, why wouldn't he just say it back, the teacher doesn't care if we talk.

"do you talk or... ? " I trailed off while looking at him and begin to scribble something down.


"Oh" After that, he just turned back to his desk. He didn't seem like one to talk.

I contemplated asking him why he didn't speak. On one hand, I'm curious but on the other, I'm scared of offending him.

A couple of minutes went by before I just thought fuck it, I'm gonna ask.

"Why don't you speak? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to though of course if it's personal or something"  I was nervous and couldn't stop the words from spilling out.

His head turned back to me, the blank expression on his face made me nervous. I gave an awkward smile hoping to ease the tension.

Did I fuck up?

Should I have asked? I was internally freaking out for a few seconds until his notepad dropped onto my desk again.

"I Took a Vow of Silence Until I can Join the Airforce" 

"oh, that's actually pretty cool"

I smiled at him as I said it and he just continued to stare at me blankly. His notepad dropped onto my desk once more and I scanned over the page a few times.

"Why are you talking to me"

I didn't know how he meant it. He was unreadable. I don't know whether he's mad or curious or happy or sad. He always has the same blank look on his face. Seemingly void of all emotion

" You're interesting, well at least I think you are "

For a split second, I could see an expression on his face, confusion. His aggressive scribbling started up again.

" What do you Mean, Interesting?

" I don't know how to explain it"

He looked at me again before turning away. We sat in silence for the rest of class.

The final bell of the day went off and it was time to leave. I packed up my things and began to get up.

Dwayne followed my lead walking out behind me.

I turned around and waved him a quick goodbye. Instead of waving back, he nodded at me.

ok so for some reason people actually wanted more so he's another chapter, lemme know if u want me to continue :)

Ghost ( Dwayne Hoover )Where stories live. Discover now