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Why me ?

Those two words were on repeat in Dwayne's head all through the night. Why was she talking to him of all people. He didn't think he was cool, or good looking or even that smart really. There was nothing interesting about him.

What was different about him?



All I could think about last night was him. Honestly he's all I've been thinking about the past few days. I don't know how he feels about me. I don't know if he considers us friends like I do.

Ok yea sure, we pass notes in class and wave to each other in the halls but it might not mean anything to him. He has the most unreadable resting bitch face and I simply cannot tell if he likes me or not.

I want him to, I want us to be friends.

The more Dwayne and I have been talking, the more I've been looking forward to school. Waking up in the mornings is easier, getting ready takes less time and walking to school isn't as annoying as it used to be.

He was making life more enjoyable for me and he doesn't even know it.

I know it's silly to be acting like this over a guy I've been talking to for a couple weeks but he's different. Again I know everyone says shit like that but what other teenage boy takes a vow of silence ?

I look up to him in a way, he doesn't care about what others think, he just does what works for him. It's cool.

He's cool.

Waking up this morning was quick and easy, like it has been everyday for the last week. Walking to school was even quicker.

The halls of school are crowded but I can still spot that messy black hair from a mile away.

I speed walked over to him and tapped him on the back.

"Hi Dwayne" I smiled brightly at him ignoring the seemingly annoyed face he was making. I've come to learn he just looks like that, in fact it's sort of grown on me.

I love the way he just blankly stares, it's funny in a way.

He waved at me before turning around to walk away. It's what he usually does, I don't really take offence to it, I think he's just kinda awkward.

While watching him leave, as I do everyday, I noticed him stop a short distance from me. Turning around he quickly gestured for me to follow him before taking off again. I nodded even though he couldn't see before jogging to catch up-to him.

We both had different classes right now and I have absolutely no idea where he's going but I happily follow along.

This is a once in a lifetime offer, Dwayne Hoover asking me to go somewhere with him, how special am I.

Our journey came to an end when we go to the library, he lead me to a table in the back where we both sat down.

I was now extremely curious.

" So, why are we at the library exactly "

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his notepad and pen. Him scribbling on the paper was the only sound heard in the library, there was no one else here but us.

The notepad was then slid across the table towards me.

"I Like it Here, it's Quiet" I found myself smiling at his messy handwriting, I'd taken notice of how he capitalises most of his words. Its on the list of things I find interesting about him.

He began pulling his book out of his bag and I decided I'd do the same, and that's how we sat for the rest of the day. We didn't go to a single class but it didn't matter. Being with him was way better.

I've never enjoyed someone's company as much as his. Just sitting in silence together being ignored by the people coming and going through the day. It was nice, to just sit there with him.

We're like two little ghosts who can only be seen by each-other and I love it.


ok so idk people want more ig so here u go :)
might not be the best cause i wrote it at 1 am but i think it's alright, lemme know what u think tho :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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