JustANerdyLittleBird' s dare

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Me:Welcome back to AUL truth or dare, and Im you host Jay.
Captain:who are the dares for today?

Me: Well oday we have a dare from JustANerdyLittleBird who dared The gentleman to cosplay as a Kangaroo for 24 hours and Everytime he hops he has to make 'boing boing noises.

The gentleman: This is stupid.

Me: Don't be rude to our viewers who are requesting.

* Magically puts The gentlemanin a Kangaroo costume*

Mr. Cheese: awww
*The gentleman hops with the boing boing noise*
Me: well thanks for the request and don't forget to leave one if you have them, see you guys soon.


hope you enjoy the two new chapters I uploaded today, I do make other content on my other socials I have two YouTube channels and two TikToks if you want to see other things I do besides Wattpad.

YT channe 1: Jay.theblueninja and my other YT is Stan toolboy.
while my TikToks are Jay.theblueninja and my other one is toolshed_tb

it would mean a lot to me if you checked out my Jay.theblueninja YouTube channel because it only has two subscribers, but it is my channel that I branch out from AUL and South Park content, so if you want to check them out.

see you guys later.

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