Cupid34ela's dare pt 2

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Characters: Player, Bro, Ninja Veteran, Greaser, Gnome, Engineer, Dum, Captain, Rose and Bday


Veteran and Greaser were walking down the hall to get to Engineer's room.
Greaser: how about this time we both wake them up?
Veteran: uh ok
(I don't think this whole thing is going end well) Veteran thought in his head.

Once they get to Engineer's room, Greaser goes in first followed by Veteran. Greaser saw a pillow on the floor and decided it would be a good idea to hit Gnome and Engineer with the pillow.

Greaser: WAKE UP

While Greaser was yelling and hitting Gnome and Engineer with the pillow Veteran was just standing by the door and saw the light switch and turned it on.
Greaser: WAKE UP
And with one last hit with the pillow Gnome and Engineer woke up.
Gnome: What the hell?
Engineer: What do you guys want? It's 1 in the morning.
Veteran already decided he was going to wait in the hall for Greaser.

Greaser: uh nothing.
And he left as well.
The last room they went to was Bro's room where Bro, Ninja, and Player were all sleeping. Veteran decided that he would wait in the hall because he knew what Bro was capable of.
"You're scared of him or what" Greaser asked.
"No, but I know what Bro is capable of, and it's not good." Veteran said.
Greaser didn't take the warning and decided to go in.
Greaser took out a air horn and held on the button making a loud sound.
"WHAT THE FUCK" Bro shouted and he looked and saw Greaser, while the other two covered their ears, Bro got out of bed and punched Greaser multiple times.

Greaser came out of there room with a black eye and a few bruises.
"I told you" Veteran said.
"Shut up" Greaser replied.
Once Greaser and Veteran went back to their shared room and sat on the couch.
Veteran: Well I'm glad that's over with.

Greaser: yea, but it was fun.

Veteran: not really, the others are going be pissed in the morning.

Greaser: all well.


As Veteran and Greaser were in their room, the others were outside holding there pillows and looking pissed.
They were planning to get their revenge for what Greaser and Veteran did.

Rose to the lead of the group and quietly opened the door, they all went in and Bday decided he would wait near the door. The other eight started hitting Veteran and Greaser with the pillows and yelling "WAKE UP" all at once, the Bday turned on the lights and took out his phone and blasted an alarm sound, while the others kept hitting Greaser and Veteran with the pillows.
Greaser: What the hell

Rose, Bsat,Dum, Captain, Engineer, Gnome, Player, Ninja, and Bro: WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greaser: What the hell was this whole thing for?

Rose: For what you two did to us

Greaser: what are you talking about?

Bday: for waking us all up


After the other 9 left, Veteran looked at Greaser and said I knew this would be a bad idea.

Greaser: Why didn't you tell me?

Veteran: because it was part of the dare we had to do, and we didn't want to disappoint anyone.

Greaser: Well hopefully the others will forgive us tomorrow.

Veteran: they probably will if we explain what happened.

Anyways sorry if the ending is bad, but I didn't know really how to end it. And the pictures I will try to work on getting them on here.

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