good old days

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y/n = SPEAK

kanak = y-your m-mom is actually
alina = dead
y/n = hey its not a good joke
alina = we r not joking

those words hit u like a heavy weight dropped on u it felt like u r going underground your voice got heavy
y/n = m-my siblings ???
kanak= them too

u were trying hard not to cry but u couldn't hold your tears anymore so u let it out 
(while crying)
y/n = h-how ?
alina = car accident
y/n = when did they die ?
kanak = 2 weeks ago
y/n = who did their funeral
alina = kanak and my family did none of your relatives came
y/n = oh i see
u wiped ur tears
y/n = will u take me to their graves
kanak = y-yes
alina knew how to drive u gave your mothers car key to her and on your way
y/n = stop..can i borrow some money from u ? i need to go to that market and buy some incense and flowers
kanak = (lending out some money) sure

you quickly buyed incense and white flowers all three of u went to graveyard

there it was your mothers grave next to it your sister's and then ur brother u lighted an incense and offered flowers on all 3 graves , a tear fell out of your eyes alina wiped them
kanak = why did u bought 4 incense
y/n = need to visit someone else too
alina = u mean ur father's grave
y/n = yeah he died 10 years ago but i miss him
u offered incense and flower to your fathers grave and sat on nearby bench
y/n = why is this world so cruel i got stuck in some random game and in a mysterious way without my nerve gear on then i with such chaos come back to this world again and i found all my family dead. hey kanak , wouldn't it be better if i died too now i don't have a way too earn money i don't know how to cook and most importantly their love i will never get it now
kanak = its not like this u always have us
y/n = but u don't trust me now and i don't blame u its my fault i know

a silence spread u felt the wind coming
alina broke the silence
alina = y/n one secret u always kept from us.. how did ur father died ?? tell us we want to knos
y/n = honestly we too didn't knew one day mother woke up trying to wake up father but he never got up from his sleep ever again and he didn't even had a heart attack in postmortem and he didn't had a slightest injury he was completely fine the night before he died
yet he died
kanak = oh sorry to hear that
y/n = plz drive me home back
alina = sure

after coming back to your house kanak prepared some dinner for you she had pretty good cooking skills and kanak and alina bid a farewell

u didn't felt like eating and u went to your bedroom sat their staring out of window with tears running down from ur cheeks u thought about
about the good old days
all the good memories u had with ur father
ur mother
ur sister
ur brother

things were never easy but yet you knew how to face them but being all alone was too much




(a/n = yep i killed y/n family hahahahahaha)

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